Hi guys! First time grower - is my plant ready to harvest?


New Member
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I have a jack herrer auto that is about 6 weeks into the flowering phase. Unfortunately don't have a microscope to have a closer look at the trichomes. Do you think it's safe to harvest or does it have potential to grow even more?


Well-Known Member
from my UNEXPERIENCED eyes i would say she either looks close or ready to harvest. i mostly try to check apperance/trichs as my leaves will never yellow since i feed all the way until harvest. pistils looking like they are mostly red and i don't see a ton of white ones popping out anymore but what i am uncertain about is the bracts. can't tell if they are swollen yet or not. if i am correct the pistils retreat back and thus causes the bracts to swell up ( don't quote me on that ).

try asking @Thundercat he has helped me identify when to harvest and taught me what i know thus far. can't remember the others names who have helped me along the lines of growing/harvesting. @diggs99


Well-Known Member
what i thought was the bract is the little ball part where the pistils come out from they will go back into the ball as they age and causing it to swell up. that is what i always thought though


New Member
they look swollen up, especially the main cola. I decided to cut the main cola and a few smaller colas and leave the less mature ones in hope they will be able to rippen up. Thanks again for your help!


Well-Known Member
She won't grow any more. She's yellowing her leaves because she's putting all her effort into the buds.

You can leave it a day or two but she's ready in my opinion.

Now the hard work starts.


I've got a guide if you want it on drying and curing. Seriously, don't mess up now you've done a great job.