Hi, I'm a killer......I killed my babies


Active Member
I should go to pot jail. I just killed 4 beautiful seedlings. It just goes to show you that no matter how much money you have, no matter how smart you are, no matter how many years you study....there is always something out there that will kick your ass.

My hats are off to all that grow successfully. It is an art and thank gawd someone out there can do it..........



Active Member
Well, they are not quite dead yet. I just dinked around with them too much. Tried to give neuts too early, PH jumped all over day after day, light, obviously not enough.....you know..that same ol' nooby screw ups. They look like sad little half green, half yellow wilted hairy beasts. Water should not be a problem as they are in the Aerogarden. But they actually look like they are cold and wrapped themselves up tight. Weird as hell and never seen anything like it on any site.


Well-Known Member
I find that getting plants past its 2nd or 3rd set of leaves is the hardest part. once you clear there its pretty hard to kill them... well not really :P but still
try again! it took me a few years to get it down, but thats because I was stupid. but with this site you should be able to do it this time!!!!!!


Active Member
They had 6 sets of leaves with more coming from everywhere. They looked amazing......and then something happened. I'm not quite clear on what it was.

A couple of things changed and then they changed. I bought a humidifier (hot steam) and put it a couple of feet or so away from them so they would get more humidity. I'm running right at 40-50%.

The second thing that was different was that I put Mylar up around the entire garden....like curtains, but there was not a lot of air flow. I'm not using a fan.

They just look so different than anything I have ever seen. I did a complete flush tonigh with bare boned 5.5PH water. Nothing else. I'm praying for them, but I think they are gonzo.


Well-Known Member
monty, Im getting tired of reading your organic fert. advertisments. Go somewhere else.