hi. is this ph spotting before nutrient lockout


ive got a clone 1 mounth old in soill, 26 degree c, ph about 7, 40-50% moist.
ive started feeding her a 2 weeks ago, once a week. the spots started few days back and i think the top leafs are a bit pale.
ive looked in the forum and it looks like this is a potassium deficiency that is caused by ph lockout

need a second opinion



The stems look pretty dark aswell,it very well could be a K deficiency. Heres a guide i like to use when trying to first determine a deficiency.

Also, what are you feeding her? A 20-20-20 fert should be good enough to get rid of the deficiency. If you start to get yellow tips then its likely nute lockout. I dont think you would have to flush, if you thinks its the ph try slowly adjusting ph throughout a couple of days so you dont hurt her. Goodluck!
1st of all your plants have deficiency of everything because they are hungry, plain and simple. Are you feeding recommended by the MFC ?

How's your soil in aeration ? I did not notice perlite from the aerial pics you posted ?

What wattage are you using right now ?


thnks for the quick reply
im feeding as recommended, biobizz grow and biobizz alg a mic, the bio grow is a bit old and probebly need to be replace.
the soil ive purchased in a nursery, ive used it befor and never had this problem.
the light is led 135w uv ligthouse hydro. shes been under the led for 10 days, befor she was under 45w grow cfl
ive purchased 120w grow cfl, yet to use it
befor she was under 45w grow cfl
This is it, the main factor, IMO.

My advice transplant your plant to a lighter (Add more perlite or similar) and let the soil get almost dry between feedings. I have no experience with LED, therefore I cannot say they will help you right now. Your LED is red or blue ?


the led is for bloom but it has grow diodes in it. i saw in the forum pepoles that used it from seed
ill use ur advices ill hope for good shes a good medical

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
thats not over watered thats a ph issue with to much nutes you can see the nitrogen claw, i would flush her well and let her be.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
second, dont go by what the bottle says you need to find what works for you, your better off with a low and steady supply of nutes then quick sudden bursts, plants like a schedule and get use to it very quickly.


it was a ph issue, my ph meter had a malfunction and the ph was about 4-5. now the ph is leveled. i flushed her. the leafs starts to get a good color.by "nitrogen claw" u mean the long "finger" in evry leaf?