hi! please comment on my setup


Well-Known Member
Hi guys:eyesmoke:This is a design i have thought up for a small cabinet i have. Please comment on what you think could be made better or changed completly to improve growth of my plants yeild etc. I have posted a very crude picture of the layout so you get the jist of what im going for. I am using on the basis that the space avaliable is very small so hps would be a heat concern(fire)and skipping on cpu fans for intake/outake because again its a small space so would it be really necasary.

Thanks alot for looking and any positive input is welcome:mrgreen:



It's just that your pic is comprised of ten lines and isnt very descriptive. It would be better you wrote out dimensions and what you have and i can lay some coments for you.


Well-Known Member
yeh i see what your saying.Again its another shit sketch but i hope its suffice.

thanks alot manpaintf.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not currently man.I have an issue getting pictures from my camera to my laptop at the minute:(The shitty paint pic is a rough shape of the box and the dimensions.



if ur gunna grow in such a small little area...it would interesting for you and for this site if you used an LED. You won't need a huge once since your box is so small. Where you plannin on putting your plants in each stage? looks like u only have room for flowering.


Well-Known Member
hey man.well im only planning on growing autoflowerer strains for now so no seperate flowereing room is needed.Thanks for the input but iv heard some bad things about led.have you used them before?


beginning my grow with them very very shortly. i would never use them for the entire grow. solely for veg when a large area isnt needed. should work fine but of course ill let ya know later how it goes.