Hi please look and help Plz

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
What u rekon i should do? Possibe over watering i repoted to a pot with holes the last pot had no holes maybe it was molding? root damage? help needed



Well-Known Member
I had that happen with a Kish plant. Looks like overwatering or in too hot of an area. I'm just a new grower but that's what I think. For mine I removed the root ball carefully from the soil and cleaned it with my mist bottle. Then I put in in some new soil and sprinkled a little Root hormone on it and gave her a nice watering.Not too much though and then let it dry out on top before next watering. And yup that's a girl.


Well-Known Member
wow dude. He by is the lamp she under? Have you no air circulating? How's the whole set up man? She looks real stressed

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
useing flowering 3 clfs 4650 lumens at moment
im giving it like 18 hours of light a day is that bad
What is the problem?
shitty setup what should i do now?


Well-Known Member
the plant looks like it's under heat stress that would be cause by a hot light Or a hot grow room. What are the Tempe inside your grow box? Does the dirt go completely cy before you water again r you just water every two days?

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
i water once a day only a little Using Rain water <> I dont have a grow box it in the corner of My room is ussally coldish here a pic LOL at this

ol man

Active Member
First things first........can you touch and keep your hands on those cfls.....(compact flourescent bulbs?), how long can you touch them........and then, how much water exactly are you putting in her.......also, how far is the top of that baby from the light........? Get a tape measure or something and let me know the exact distance.......


Well-Known Member
Insufficient light. Your plant needs more than 2floros. That's why the plant is dropping so much. She needs more light so she can reach up for it.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
one is 3inchs away then 4 then 5 Three lights only.
i dont touch the clfs but have b4
i gave her about 1 feed a day like 4 cap/lid fulls off a normal bottle of coke

latest pic what u think it better a?


Bro, get some air circulating in your grow box. The cheapest way is to get one of those fans inside your PC, and connect it with a USB cord if your PC is close by, or just attach it to a phone charger. (You don't want to start a fire)


Sorry about double post, but she is looking better, and like I said, get some air circulating and check the ph level. I'm not a pro, but ph level is a big factor. And misting your plant 2 times a day would help it a lot to.


Well-Known Member
well i seen that your plant has shown sex. why dont you just go to a 12/12 cycle? it will also help with root growth having more dark time. dont water it so much instead of watering it everyday which theres a good chance the plant is flooded. let the plant tell you when its thirsty. and you said rain water? where are you collecting it from? if i were you i would go to the 12/12 cycle and not water it for a few days. cuz assuming you havent stressed it and you have it under18/6 it might be an autoflower. but yea i would flower and hold on the water. if your getting your rain water from somthing like a gutter theres no telling whats in the water


Active Member
I am a noob but I read that "air is your friend". So get a fan in there and get some air circulating. I am growing a seedling and it helped once I had a fan moving some air across it. Give that a try. It can't hurt.

ol man

Active Member
all the lights need to be as close as possible without burning the plants......so if you can touch the bulb with your hands and keep them there, then you can also allow the plants to get very, very close to the lights, which will help you out significantly.......thats first. then work on watering, add a fan, and let it put a slight breeze on the plants and observe the changes before doing anything else.......

mister bishi

Active Member
your plant went like that because of your 1st plant pot not havving any drainage holes. over watered it,because the water couldnt go anywhere.. U NEED GOOD DRAINAGE. or your plant could die

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
Cool thanks Guys
im 18/6 Water is from the sky xD
Pot has holes now dont have grow box Its in corner of my room
growing fast under 2 warm whites and 1 daylight
have a fan now how many hours a day should it be on ?