Hi temps 6 weeks in flower


Active Member
Hey everyone purple kush and god bud in my cellar. Temps usually 75-80 now 85 plus. Weather in the northeast has been crazy hot. Should I bump my 6oo watt light down to 400 for temparture control? Have an extractor fan running full bore plus 3 other fans in the room. Including 1 running fresh air in on high 24/7. 3 weeks left don't want to screw it up now! All input appreciated. Dozer


Well-Known Member
I dont have an answer for ya bro but I hear ya. I'm in the northeast too and its just brutal right now. I'm runnin 2 400's and I can bring air in, but I dont have a scrubber so I cant blow it outside and I'm having a dick of a time of it right now. I'm floatin around 84 or so most of the time.
Its supposed to cool down for a few days and me and my girls are glad of that.


Well-Known Member
Yea it's brutal! I came home yesterday to find that my ladys were in 99° heat and I'm in friggin Michigan!
nar you should be ok with temps up to 90-95 my girls r up in the attic and when the temps been in the 90's they was sound, you could have a fan blow its air over some ice to cool you room just need to keep an eye on humidity. good luck with your grow


Active Member
I run 2 600 watters and just dim 'em down to 75% on the really hot days like the last week. It'll bring your temps down a bit for sure. I sit in the mid 80's with 'em down, but high 90's at 100%.


Well-Known Member
I bet u could do like ppl used to do to keep those old fridges cold, could hand a fat ass block of ice in ur grow room behind a fan so it could circulate the cool air as the block melts a very old and cheap idea.


Active Member
I bet u could do like ppl used to do to keep those old fridges cold, could hand a fat ass block of ice in ur grow room behind a fan so it could circulate the cool air as the block melts a very old and cheap idea.
6 weeks into flower. I'm already fighting high humidity in my cellar. Struggling to maintain 50% right now! Empty my dehumidifier 4 times a day. Not busting your balls but, the last thing I need in my room is more moisture! Last run had it down to 30% humidity the last few weeks. Going to try and drop it down 5% a week over the next 3 weeks.


Active Member
have you got an air intake?
Yes ,I have a 6 inch commercial blower fan at the bottom of my rooms running 24/7. Problem is my basement is 80 degrees. Not much cold air coming into the room. I do have both rooms extractor fans ducted outside for heat issues. Still having heat issues. Thought it was a pain in the ass keeping the ladies warm in the winter. Nothing compared to keeping them cool in the summer! I'll take cold weather any day for growing indoors.


just a question on how bad does high temps really affect yeild/potency i'm a bit of a noob but not a complete idiot my reason for asking this is i'm in texas and the temps outside have been at 100 and my plants are in the dead sun all day long i make sure to keep them watered and they are looking REALLY good bout as healthy as any plant i have ever seen but was just wondering if the heat from outside will affect the potency