Hi-Yield Lime vs. Dolomite Lime???


Active Member

I have a simple question...I wanted to add some lime to my Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil for my grow to help stabilize my pH. I looked all over town and ended up getting a bag of "Hi-Yield" brand garden lime in the green bag (powdered lime). The guy at the store said its the same thing as dolomite lime as "lime is lime is lime"....

is that true?

Is it the same? Will this work the same for me?




Well-Known Member
Most brands of lime has a Oregon Lime Score on the bag, and the higher the score is better then a lower score.


Well-Known Member
No that is not truye there are 4 kinds of lime calcitic, dolomite, hydrated and dry

hi yield HORTICULTURE lime is Hydrated

hi yield ARGRICULTURE lime is dolomite