heyy im George LOL
i dont know what to say lol but i do want to ask 1 question
i saw a thread about an LSD experience and the guy cut his throat but was 1cm away from his tracheya and hence survived, i cant find it ive spent 3 hours trying to find it
ive used google, roleitup search box and all that good stuff
so if anyone knows a way to find it it would be appreciated thanks so much
oh.. i forgot to give info about me LOL
i dont do drugs but im interested i hope it doesnt offend you lol but yehh, ima go get some legal documents and start growing my own Pot and 'shrooms cos dayum they look nice and easy to grow, LSD seems safe but hard to find :L
my thoughts on drugs:
do what ever you want just dont get caught,
LSD is safe if used properly
Weed is safe and has no "overdose"
shrooms are safe but some people will be effected negativly if they have fucked up history or something
TBH ther should be a new word for drugs that dont effect you badly .
i dont know- duscuss
i dont know what to say lol but i do want to ask 1 question
i saw a thread about an LSD experience and the guy cut his throat but was 1cm away from his tracheya and hence survived, i cant find it ive spent 3 hours trying to find it
ive used google, roleitup search box and all that good stuff
so if anyone knows a way to find it it would be appreciated thanks so much
oh.. i forgot to give info about me LOL
i dont do drugs but im interested i hope it doesnt offend you lol but yehh, ima go get some legal documents and start growing my own Pot and 'shrooms cos dayum they look nice and easy to grow, LSD seems safe but hard to find :L
my thoughts on drugs:
do what ever you want just dont get caught,
LSD is safe if used properly
Weed is safe and has no "overdose"
shrooms are safe but some people will be effected negativly if they have fucked up history or something
TBH ther should be a new word for drugs that dont effect you badly .
i dont know- duscuss