Hide Them Good

bush grower

Active Member
i was wondering if any one has ever tryed growing under a army camo net
so the cops cant see the plants underneath. i just got one and was thinking of tying it up in the trees over my plants. do you think this would help??


Well-Known Member
camo net would work i bet. but just get like mesh netting. and grow your plants under the nets. when your plant reaches the net, it will curve, and start to grow horizontal. or you can just start tieing down when she is young, so when she gets bigger she will already be curving.
u dont need to hang the nets up high.


Well-Known Member
cheech and chong grew under a tarp that looked like a swimming pool from the air. hahahahahaha those two..........


Well-Known Member
as long as no one would EVER walk in that area, if so then it would attract attention. Youd be suprised at some of the places people go.


Well-Known Member
i was wondering if any one has ever tryed growing under a army camo net
so the cops cant see the plants underneath. i just got one and was thinking of tying it up in the trees over my plants. do you think this would help??
dont know about the net,i was in the army and my sarge used to get us to look for shit hidden in the bush,after a while of looking we would spot some but not others,he then told us to look from right to left instead of the way people read i.e left to right and we would find heaps more things we did not spot before.
those nets let light through as i have been under them,they hide tanks and all kinds of shit so if you have a proper one i would give it a go,they are fucking expensive,in oz you would get enough light i reckon to grow?,but depends on where you live i guess,sorry a stoned ramble.:peace:

bush grower

Active Member
i think i might have the net low to the ground then raise it up as the plants get taller. the only problem is that the net is only 8 by 8 and the spot i was going to put it is a pretty open spot and there is a fresh water spring right by thats why i decided to grow there. but i found a few other spots i could put the net.


Active Member
im kinda new at this, but i have a bayou i can grow some seeds in, i was wondering if that was a good ideas.


Active Member
Sure, in a swamp build a platform about a half a foot off the ground, Any size you feel comfortable with and build a 3ft. high walls inside? Line the sides with plastic and fill her up with all your good stuff ( soiless or coco, worm castings, some bone meal and some lime) Wrap it in Chicken wire and camo netting to keep the critters from eating your crop and presto your done! Leave it to churn for a month or move and you'll be ready to plant. I 've gotten 1lb. plus off of one plant doing it this way and the sweet thing about a swamp is you don't have to water at all! This has worked very well, with very little effort after you set it up, I only grow 25 in two diffrent sites and that keeps me and all my friends content...Good Luck in the Coming season!

bush grower

Active Member
i was reading a thread on growing weed in a tree i was thinking i have some platforms laying around if i put one in a tree and used the camo net hanging from the tree over the platform would a chopper be able to see it.:-? ? i naeed to kno thanks for you're replys.