hide your plants indoors without a grow room?


Active Member
well obviously your running sumthin small like cfls? they put out no heat an no energy hardly, if u get caught with cfls an a couple plants, its because ur parents turned u in, or u open ur mouth to much, there your parents, talk to 'em, im sure you can come to an understanding unless u have some dickhead parents, regardless, respect there decision, ive heard of growin in a rubbermaid with cfls, speaker boxes, computer towers, go get a closet oragnizer, wrap it in mylar or sumthin reflective, filling cabinets, man theres alot u can make a quick cheap grow box out of lol


Active Member
it would be easy to get ahold of an old frig cause ppl have to pay to get rid of them
did you end up growing svchop? I use to grow in an old fridge..the front door was clear though..I left my moms house and moved in with my cousin for a while..I still had my plants at their house..but she got really paranoid because she kept hearing heli's lol so I called my dad and told him to flush the plants and pick up the lights(couldnt grow where I was at)....and I only had 4 cfls set up with 4 plants growing..theres no way they picked up a heat signature from that...Well I'm back at my moms..(cousin was lazy as shit and didnt have a job..) and now I'm growing 2 plants in a speaker box..its working ok..but I need to cut out another hole for an extra exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
i just started another grow, all others have been failure. but hopefully ill b successful wasn't able to get an old fridge but i did build a speaker box / laptop stand with exhaust fans that cool my laptop and the speakers hook i to the comp I'm thinking bout getting a hold of about 5 bulb sockets and filling the inside with cfls and a fan to blow on all 15 of my babies so there strong. ill get pics of the box up later.


i just started another grow, all others have been failure. but hopefully ill b successful wasn't able to get an old fridge but i did build a speaker box / laptop stand with exhaust fans that cool my laptop and the speakers hook i to the comp I'm thinking bout getting a hold of about 5 bulb sockets and filling the inside with cfls and a fan to blow on all 15 of my babies so there strong. ill get pics of the box up later.
im interested in your speaker box set up and are you going to flower with cfl's and how the fuck did you fit 15 plants in a speaker box but i feel you on the parents thing just go discreet and smoke a fatty:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lol yeah i just started there seedlings in plastic shot glasses right know ill gender them by putting them in a 12/12 cycle for a while, probally as soon as they have 4 nodes, Then get rid of the males. I dont know what im using for flowering yet, might use cfl in combo with some high intensity LED or some red spec. bulbs i dont have money for the hps 600w deals with a ballast or any of that stuff. :( or the abilty to vent that much heat i dont my room to be 90 degrees
I started a small grow two weeks ago in the rafters in the garage. Cut up some cardboard boxes, and stapled some alum. foil to them for reflection, then stapled my reflectors to the overhang beams.
We store a lot of crap in the rafters, and since nobody really goes up there anymore, its an ok site.
I'm super damn paranoid about it though, mainly because there are two spots where you can see just a sliver of light in the right conditions.
Its a crappy grow as well, I have one 60w incandescent agro-light for the two plants. at 2 weeks they're each about 4 inches tall, scrawny, and pretty bad looking.
Lol, I'll just be happy if I get an 1/16 from each plant though.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah if you got access to tools and the know how i would build a box or somthing you can disguise too look like something esle to seal in the light and to be able to answer the question of what the hell is that and what is it doing there with: oh thats just a couple of 15" subs in a box i thought it would be ok if i put that up there im not using it would probally help because your going to need a long light cycle indoors because of the lack of intensity just to compensate and thats going to become quite noticeable unless your lucky


Well-Known Member
im interested in your speaker box set up and are you going to flower with cfl's and how the fuck did you fit 15 plants in a speaker box but i feel you on the parents thing just go discreet and smoke a fatty:bigjoint:
im considering putting up plans for the box its a pretty tight set up cools down my laptop at the same time it circulates air for my plants and lets me listen to some tunes!!!


New Member
i suggest wait til spring plant em outside find a good spot tho you want lots of sunlight but not just out in the open thnk hard about it hope this helps


Well-Known Member
i suggest wait til spring plant em outside find a good spot tho you want lots of sunlight but not just out in the open thnk hard about it hope this helps
lol yah spring is too far away im thinking ill grow a few 1 ft plants and try and get some bud off those every once in awhile you know just veg em for a month at 20/4 switch to a 18/6 for a week then a 14/10 till the buds are ready. Cut the buds, prune it back and put it back into veg for a while maybe use some lst and door screen to keep it compact.

keep em in my box set up. anyone think this will work or am i just dreaming?


New Member
lol yah spring is too far away im thinking ill grow a few 1 ft plants and try and get some bud off those every once in awhile you know just veg em for a month at 20/4 switch to a 18/6 for a week then a 14/10 till the buds are ready. Cut the buds, prune it back and put it back into veg for a while maybe use some lst and door screen to keep it compact.

keep em in my box set up. anyone think this will work or am i just dreaming?
anything will work if you put enough time and money in it lol


Well-Known Member
^^^lmao okay, im not gone say nuthin except sorry for my input on actual life expierence! Leave ur door unlocked, dont talk to ur parents, & think the cops r coming, see how far you get. I lived in a house with roomates all names on lease, i got caught wit weed an other things, my buddy did, an his g/f, now my other roomate, who had his own room had it locked told him that he rents the room an has nuthin to do with what we do, they never searched a thing in his room. funny thing is, i was released, came back to my house an smoked a blunt, before u call false go through life exp. an read what i wrote you jew, "Yes they def. can take ur parents house!" Also doobfromVa im from Va. originally, an thats a commonwealth state, there laws r more strict, meaning theres more cops an fly arounds with helicopters. I seen 5-7 helis a day in Va, i think ive seen one in SC

VA is a Pain to much military every where fuken 10-20 miltary aircraft fly by every day


Well-Known Member
u cant hide the smell.. and if u do then ull have to hide the sound.. its a lose lose situation.. ull nvr get away with it in ur parents house.. trust me ive tried many times.. eventually they will find it and if u do sumhow make it to near harvest and then they find it ur gonna be pissed if they ditch it!!!!