Hiding grow room from roomates?


Active Member
I am trying to set up my first grow room in my closet. I want to keep it hidden from other people living in the house. My main concern is smell and noise. I plan on having intake/outtake ventilation and a HPS light. Does anyone think it would be possible? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Yea you can do it if you keep them out of your room. use filters to take down the noise on the fans and to clean the air coming out of the grow room, make sure there is no light leaking threw at night and in the day, and have it well hiden so theres no change in the apperiance of your room.
hmm its all depending on the people who see it, they could wait for you to harvest and jump you for your stash, telling other people of your set up, and the worst the police show up
HMM not sure what you mean then, op himself ??? i dont understand the question

OP means original poster if u didnt know? so what he meant is if the friends find it whats the worst that will happen...which if they are good friends should be nothing but blazing them up, but some friends are pieces of shit at the end of the day and might jack it lol
Do you have a fish tank?
Buy a small one and purchase a cheap loud pump for it.
Put one fish in it and grow live plants in it.
This worked for years even with a girl friend...............
Why? People expect noise to be there they don't hear it & fish tanks stink in an odd way! Good luck on hiding that light!
Why not try building a stealth cab? It's basically an off-the-shelf cabinet that you install a light a carbon filter. Look here for a good example of one.
Thanks for the info. The fish tank is a good idea and I got some good ideas from that stealth cabinet link.
I don't want my roommates to know about it, only because they might let it slip to the wrong person. I do plan on sharing though.
Do you have a fish tank?
Buy a small one and purchase a cheap loud pump for it.
Put one fish in it and grow live plants in it.
This worked for years even with a girl friend...............
Why? People expect noise to be there they don't hear it & fish tanks stink in an odd way! Good luck on hiding that light!

My fish tanks don't stink.:shock:
Buy an air filter and place it in the room. They generate noise. This will cover the sound of your exhaust fans.

I haven't done this with roommates, but I think its possible.

Buy a key lock for your bedroom door (nothing out of the ordinary many people do this with roommates).

If your using an hps youll need a decent fan to get the hot air out of there...so you will need something with a decent CFM, but yet quiet.

S&P inline fans would be the way to go.

then again like everyone said what are your roommates like? will they freak and go call the cops? steal your plants? tell more people? want to smoke?

if you put a key lock on the door, and keep them out i duobt they will figure it out...like someone said get a fish tank, or an air filter like i suggested and put it in your room by the door...air filter will not only make noise which is good but will also help grab any scent that makes it that far =]

you will def need a carbon filter!
anything is possible man

just be a covert sneaky mother grower

I suggest taking a few pics of your room that you possibly have ideas for making it sneaky. Using a SCRoG method you can really tie your suckers down and dont need to to much space.

I suggest looking up lowryders since they grow small and they are autoflowering meaning you get your bomb bud in a month. This also means you only need one light cycle (just shine as much red and blue as you can get your hands on). You can raise your bed 2 feet, seal it off, cover it with a bedskirt and figure out a vent system. Take some pics im pretty crafty, PM me for help.

Im doing mine under my stairs.