Hiding plants


Well-Known Member
my parents are like straight edge and never go near it they know that i have smoked not smoke. or atleast i think they do cause my brother has a big mouth but he doesnt even know what im doing he doesnt live with us ne more. like i said its this one plant. ive never smelt marijuanna growing b4 its bud. but i was getting oz's and flipping them so the risk is nothing new to me. i thought u guys would understand my situation since you smoke and understand the price of not even a 1/2gram for 10$ when your short on cash like me, thats the reason i ran into the seeds i got some crappy shake, not crappy trees, but basically the bottom of a pound my friend had left over he gave me a good deal and i saw 2 seeds. no one knows about this except you guys.


Well-Known Member
Look Blazen,

How are you gonna control PH, nutrients, watering, humidity much less adjust for the snake crap in the cage....

You are gonna end up with a dead plant and/or a dead snake.

Why bother trying to do this?

Seems like just a waste of time to me.


Well-Known Member
my parents are like straight edge and never go near it they know that i have smoked not smoke. or atleast i think they do cause my brother has a big mouth but he doesnt even know what im doing he doesnt live with us ne more. like i said its this one plant. ive never smelt marijuanna growing b4 its bud. but i was getting oz's and flipping them so the risk is nothing new to me. i thought u guys would understand my situation since you smoke and understand the price of not even a 1/2gram for 10$ when your short on cash like me, thats the reason i ran into the seeds i got some crappy shake, not crappy trees, but basically the bottom of a pound my friend had left over he gave me a good deal and i saw 2 seeds. no one knows about this except you guys.
...what the fuck are you smoking that costs 10$ for less than .5grams?


Well-Known Member
in my town the people sellin bag out at .4 a dime ....its the area i live in. if i go an hour away i can get 1g for 10 and thats good. a friend of myne was getting me a 1/4oz of dro for 20$ but his guy got knocked.


Well-Known Member
3 pages of ppl telling him not to grow in his parent's house and he's still intent.

scrap the snake cage idea - it won't work - it's hard enough keeping lights/temps/humidity under control for growing weed let along fucking with your poor snake's habitat - he'll bite you as payback for sure.

your best bet is to (as someone else stated) either use 2 Rubbermaid containers stacked on top of each other - if you can put this in your closet, even better...OR to convert a tallboy/dresser into a stealth cab, but this will take plenty of time and patience, which you seem to not possess.

good luck but i can feel numerous 'told you so's' coming on when it doesn't work, or worse - you get busted.


Well-Known Member
im willing to listen to your ideas, thats the whole point of this i have patience, snakes live where marijuanna grows....so the two will be fine. but if you think its a bad idea ok let me know dont get nasty about it thats all im asking. if i grow outside im more likly to get knocked...in my backyard? where the hell am i gonna grow that outside? i just want some f'in weed and i cant afford it. i got a crawl space that hasnt been used in years....ive never been in it or even looked in side it ill get measurements asap, theirs vents and what not because its my attick, but i think the smell would be more obvious in their. I want them to grow in the house but i am willing to let them bud out doors if posible so the smell isnt strong. i appreciate your idea sTOKEd with the dresser, but my parents look through thos things i dont got much privacy and i put alot of thinking into the whole snake idea. but im willing to take your ideas so here it goes.....

I do not have much privacy, any ideas....im incharge of my landscape outside so i can probably thro some tomatos infront of a plant or somthing, thats what my friends grandfather does.

any ideas im not stuburn or thick headed i just am starting to realize that i cant afford to smoke and its makin me cranky im sure you guys can relate.


Well-Known Member
Im not going to get into the do's & dont's of growing but as a long time snake owner let me ask you this.

What do you think is going to happen when your snake takes a shit,you & i both know there is nothing more foul than snake shit full of undigested eyeballs,bones & chunks of fur, all mixed in with puss that reeks to high heaven.

I owned a 16 ft burmeese python that we would feed 4 flemish giant bunny rabbits each feeding to, when she took a shit she cleared the entire house out right now,i wouldnt want any of that near anything that was ever going in my mouth.


Well-Known Member
You say you are not thick headed, yet...

You have no money to spend on materials or nutrients. You have no proper place to grow the weed and you live with your parents.

People here are trying to save your time.

How about going and getting a part time job to get money to buy some?

That is the only way this is gonna work out to get you something worth smoking given the conditions you have stated....


Well-Known Member
ellehcim if you read the whole thread you would know that i already have all of the materials because i stated that earlier. im more worried about my school then getting a job i had a job and my grades got low because of that. so now they arent great so i cant really risk it. and i have a boa that i feed a rat every 2 weeks so its no big deal. its a male hes small, no big feces. i thought you guys would help i guess ill do it on my own.


Well-Known Member
ellehcim if you read the whole thread you would know that i already have all of the materials because i stated that earlier. im more worried about my school then getting a job i had a job and my grades got low because of that. so now they arent great so i cant really risk it. and i have a boa that i feed a rat every 2 weeks so its no big deal. its a male hes small, no big feces. i thought you guys would help i guess ill do it on my own.
Yes, you said that. You did not however indicate what materials you have handy...

What kind of light do you have for the plant?

What brand of nutes?

At this point in the thread, given your previous posts I hope you forgive me for being more than a little skeptical.

But hey, prove me wrong....


Well-Known Member
mate the advice here on the forums in exactly that - advice. we recommend you don't grow in your parents house and while i know this is frustrating it's for your good and for theirs.

the reality is, you may have to wait til you're a little older and move out before attempting a grow - frustrating i know, but none of us wants you or your parents potentially getting into trouble.

if you've got any mates who live outa home and smoke too, you might be able to come to some sorta arrangement where you get a stealth setup at their place, where you take care of it all and split the stash..altho i don't know too many people who'd let a friend do this.

i'm 27 and about to embark on my 2nd (but first proper) grow...i've wanted to for the past 5years but had to wait til I moved out..Patience is a virtue.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys/ladies i took your advise and told a friend of mine about my operation. And they gave me a place to grow! Its a Friend of my friend so we are going 3 ways on the results. and me and my friend are going half on all the expenses since were using a friends house. but now i can grow more then one, ill get you guys the room measurements so you can help me setup. OK so now my seed has germinated :) i threw it in a cup of soil in a styrofoam cup with poked holes and put it in my window, im gonna leave it until i get the place. Im not really worried about that seed tho because im probably gonna have to wait a few days 4 the place. Ok so can someone do me a big favor and make a list of stuff that i will need and approx prices? like lighting and nutrients etc. i would appreciate it alot THANKS!


Well-Known Member
can anyone give me a list of brands and prices for the things they recommend. like fertilizer,lighting,ect.


Well-Known Member
yo I just got a bag of dro from my guy, been getting set up from him for years and i know he has growing down. but the last bag looks amazing and smells great but when i smoked it it had a weird chemical taste that i never tasted before and very scratchy on the throat. what causes this even with good looking buds? and is this chlorafal(excuse spelling)? thanx