Hiding spots in cars

Any curious cop will have a K9 brought in. Been there. Good luck man. A little story. My 69 elcamino had a little flap behind the drivers seat that went into a compartment under the bed. I got my car taken by the cops and the officer said he had one when he was a kid. He welded dummy bolts on the decklid and sealed the compartment so he could fill it with ice and beer.
I always did the gas cap.....now I just have it in its special bag with ma pipes and lighters. It just chills behind the passenger seat
I have a hole in the floor board that is covered with a piece of aluminm plate riveted on with a hinge

It's great for when your in traffic and have to take a leak
Hide it in an empty windshield fluid reservoir, fuse box, taped up under thebattery, just don't pit it anywhere that gets hot. Seriously how often do they look under the hood?

I had an old honda that was falling apart. There were panels popping out everywhere that made good spots or I could put it behind the head unit. Also, some of the older cars have different keys for the trunk. My friend got pulled over and didn't have the trunk key because he just got the impala, the cops were pissed but they never called the dogs and he didn't have anything.
I like to keep everything in a bank bag from my local bank . The cops need permission from a federal judge just to open one of those than I hide it really good .
fuse box is win if it's just a look around.

If they get the dogs / do a full search then your screwed no matter what you do. (unless you get lucky - everyone knows a guy who got lucky but just remember that his spot wasn't fool proof. He just got lucky.)
I keep several pieces of mail in the car, all with legitimate send addresses, no return addresses, using US Postal Service boxes and stickers. Federal mail equals federal warrant.