Hidrogen proxide

H202 is used often for suspected root rot problems in all plants both indoor and outdoor. It does kill off both good and harmful bacteria/microbes so indoor plants are usually re-potted after treatment is successful. If you want to increase oxygen in soil look into fabric pots, mixing soil with perlite or using an air stone in your water for a few hours prior to watering. Biggest thing is proper watering skills. Overwatering leads to less oxygen in soil, leads to root rot.
It can help with mold and mildew on leaves

See this
I just assumed he was from a non-English speaking country.
I don't (get the joke)?
I am about to do something that we dont see often here on this site.

Admit to being wrong. It was about 10 minutes after I woke up and thought I saw something that flat out I mistakenly spoke upon.

Hidrogen isnt even a damn word.

Moral of this story? Dont type before coffee.
So there is no use for cannabis
I've heard of treating roots in hydro systems but nothing else for plants.

I use a cap full of h202 in a cup of water to soak seeds prior to germinating them. This kills any baddies like fungus sitting on the seeds before I pop them. Then I rinse and put the seeds in a fresh glass with another h2o2 cap full to add a little extra oxygen to the water. A cap full in a cup of water won't hurt the seeds because by day two, the extra oxygen molecule has released and you only have water left anyway.
I’ve used hydrogen peroxide at concentration of 1 part 3% h202 to 7 parts water, for reviving droopy or over watered plants that are in too dense soil, it works great for this even though your drenching the medium with more water the h202 gives them a boost of oxygen and from what I’ve seen the plants usually bounce back if left to dry back out after 3- 4 days after the h202 drench.
I’ve also used .5% solution on droopy clones that were put in too wet rooters, and it seems to help.

I might try feeding h202 every other watering during flower just to see how it turns out.
Every time I’ve used it the plants seem to react positively to it.
Sometimes I’ve done the .4% h202 drench as a first part of watering, wait 10 mins, and then finish watering with nutrients.