high bay hps lights

anything wrong with useing a high bay hps out of a factory? what would be different from the ones you spend alot of money on? a guy is sell 400 watters for 15 on craigslist in minnesota


Well-Known Member
if i were there id get em and fid a new hood of some sort but overall thats a deal. as long as ur not worried bout heat those will work. what type of set up you rollin wit??
thanks man i got a 3 feet by 3 feet by 5 feet tall box with vent on bottom an bathroom exhaust on top but im in midwest an its cold as hell in garage where box is right now i have 3 70watts an 1 150 an its not to hot but i want to use them for side light an get a biggy for the top


Well-Known Member
not a bad price, make sure they are wired or can be wired for your plugs.
some are only 277 or 240, and if you cant have one of those then that could be a problem
and what I do to control the heat is remove the mogul plug for the ballast itself and run a 10 feet or so new cord to the mogul plug
that way the hot ballast is outside your grow area