High CBD in Colorado Needed


New Member
I currently suffer from schizophrenia and am wanting to get some high CBD product in Colorado. However, its not one of the diagnosis you could get a card for. Unfortunately, due to political reasons (including the meme: "but smoking pot causes schizophrenia") it might be awhile before its potential in this area is tapped, despite good evidence that it works as well current treatment without the side effects. The current anti psychotics have bad side effects and low compliance. Will it become available after November? Are there other alternatives until then? Is it still easy to get now since it is legal there? Please PM or reply if you have answers. Thank you.

In my opinion, the passing of Amendment 64 helped me get a card; Docs wanna make money still in the MMJ industry and generally don't give a flying turd what your ailment is. They are (provided you go the right place) human beings, and even without a concrete diagnosis or medical record of your injury/ailments the Doctors will still sign you a card to ease the pain.

Weed here in Colorado is just as sweet as ever, being open in the streets and common in many places you'd never expect.

Until November, there is no real alternative for some high CBD products as no recreational shops have been set up.

You really shouldn't have an issue obtaining whatever you want- stoners are friendly and always glad to give a helping hand to getting your meds

Avoid Pueblo at all costs
I currently suffer from schizophrenia and am wanting to get some high CBD product in Colorado. However, its not one of the diagnosis you could get a card for. Unfortunately, due to political reasons (including the meme: "but smoking pot causes schizophrenia") it might be awhile before its potential in this area is tapped, despite good evidence that it works as well current treatment without the side effects. The current anti psychotics have bad side effects and low compliance. Will it become available after November? Are there other alternatives until then? Is it still easy to get now since it is legal there? Please PM or reply if you have answers. Thank you.

High CBD strains are hard to come by at present, but more and more is coming available. If you don't mind having some THC mixed in, there are plenty of strains available now, i.e. Sour Tsunami and Tora Bora are both 18% CBD and 7-8% THC. However, if you want the straight up CBD with minimum THC content, the only strain that is in production that I'm aware of is Greenwerkz' R4 which is 16%CBD and 1% THC.

I read the summary on the study with Schizophrenia that used CBD. Very interesting and believable from my standpoint. I use CBD for pain, but it definitely has an anti-depressant quality (glow for lack of a better term) for me. I have significant experience with mental illness (Bipolar with psychotic features - loved one) so I know what you mean on the anti-psych meds that are available. And what is available is hard core bro... Geodone, Zyprexa, Etc. I am hoping that someday I can get my person off the anti-psych meds and onto CBD instead, but much clinical research is needed before I pull the trigger on that one... I'm not going to preach to you, but IMHO if you choose to make the transition to CBD, you should do so under a psychiatrists care... even though they won't acknowledge CBD yet.

Finally, I believe you are going to need large quantities of CBD if you choose to go that route. If I remember correctly, the study that I read had the CBD dosage at 500mg... that's a lot man. The biggest challenge to using CBD is getting enough of it in a proper concentrated form. Currently the most potent concentration of CBD that I know of is the BHO from the R4 at Greenwerkz, but ingesting BHO gives me the willies since everyone is talking about the impurities nowadays. So, my plan is to try to get the R4, or a similar strain, in clone or seeds and grow and extract my own CBD.

I hope that helps some. I am sorry you have to deal with this illness, no one should have to. I'm no expert, but I am building a reasonable working knowledge of CBD and would be glad to answer any other questions. Let me know if you want some research links on CBD...

In my opinion, the passing of Amendment 64 helped me get a card; Docs wanna make money still in the MMJ industry and generally don't give a flying turd what your ailment is. They are (provided you go the right place) human beings, and even without a concrete diagnosis or medical record of your injury/ailments the Doctors will still sign you a card to ease the pain.

Weed here in Colorado is just as sweet as ever, being open in the streets and common in many places you'd never expect.

Until November, there is no real alternative for some high CBD products as no recreational shops have been set up.

You really shouldn't have an issue obtaining whatever you want- stoners are friendly and always glad to give a helping hand to getting your meds

Avoid Pueblo at all costs

Thanks for the reply. Do you have any suggestions on specific doctors locations?
High CBD strains are hard to come by at present, but more and more is coming available. If you don't mind having some THC mixed in, there are plenty of strains available now, i.e. Sour Tsunami and Tora Bora are both 18% CBD and 7-8% THC. However, if you want the straight up CBD with minimum THC content, the only strain that is in production that I'm aware of is Greenwerkz' R4 which is 16%CBD and 1% THC.

I read the summary on the study with Schizophrenia that used CBD. Very interesting and believable from my standpoint. I use CBD for pain, but it definitely has an anti-depressant quality (glow for lack of a better term) for me. I have significant experience with mental illness (Bipolar with psychotic features - loved one) so I know what you mean on the anti-psych meds that are available. And what is available is hard core bro... Geodone, Zyprexa, Etc. I am hoping that someday I can get my person off the anti-psych meds and onto CBD instead, but much clinical research is needed before I pull the trigger on that one... I'm not going to preach to you, but IMHO if you choose to make the transition to CBD, you should do so under a psychiatrists care... even though they won't acknowledge CBD yet.

Finally, I believe you are going to need large quantities of CBD if you choose to go that route. If I remember correctly, the study that I read had the CBD dosage at 500mg... that's a lot man. The biggest challenge to using CBD is getting enough of it in a proper concentrated form. Currently the most potent concentration of CBD that I know of is the BHO from the R4 at Greenwerkz, but ingesting BHO gives me the willies since everyone is talking about the impurities nowadays. So, my plan is to try to get the R4, or a similar strain, in clone or seeds and grow and extract my own CBD.

I hope that helps some. I am sorry you have to deal with this illness, no one should have to. I'm no expert, but I am building a reasonable working knowledge of CBD and would be glad to answer any other questions. Let me know if you want some research links on CBD...

Thanks for the reply. I have my eyes on R4 (like the high CBD:THC ratio) and I hope they make it available to the public. That is a high dose. I think it would theoretically take around 2-3g of R4/day w/ vaporizer to achieve a similar dose (wouldn't you also have to look at the difference in bioavailibility of oral vs. inhaled CBD? I honestly don't have much knowledge of dosing CBD). I don't know how much R4 is but if it helps, it'll be worth the cost. Right now, I'm not on antipsychotics (tried them, but the negatives outweighed the positives with me) and luckily, none of the positive symptoms are present now, but I'd like something to help manage the negative symptoms and prevent future positive symptoms. I'm not a psychiatrist, but am a health care professional so I do plan on taking as clinical an approach as possible. I understand where you're coming from in hesitancy to switch your person: the research though promising, is indeed limited with hardcore mental illness. It'd be a tougher decision for me if I was currently functioning with antipsychotics. I wish you and your loved one all the best.
That's a really good question on how much you would have to vaporize to equal 500mg ingested. I don't have a definitive answer for that but if you assume the extraction process is 100% efficient then you would get 160mg of CBD per each gram of flower extracted... so if the correct dose is 500mg ingested orally, then you would need to vape 3 grams or so.... assuming that an ingested gram is as potent as a vaped gram...
As stated obtaining your card will not really be an issue. I received one without bringing any medical records to their office.

Literally, I want to emphasize that those doctors are not robots and will simple hand you a recommendation at the request to ease your ailment

Relaxed Clarity, my friend. No previous history of medical stuff is required at the time of appointment.
Kind Love suggested the strains Panacea and Lucy for high CBD, in my case for pain management. I didn't get much out of the Panacea, not my cup of tea, and the Lucy is still awaiting a test toke. Take it easy with your meds, I have family in the medical trade and was always told that "you pay a price for every pill", so I keep my chemical consumption to a minimum and avoid mixing unfamiliar combos. Funny that I keep coming back to a few beers and a toke or 2 as what keeps me level. Good luck with your search for equilibrium, once you find your 'center' you can help others. 8):peace:
As stated obtaining your card will not really be an issue. I received one without bringing any medical records to their office.

Literally, I want to emphasize that those doctors are not robots and will simple hand you a recommendation at the request to ease your ailment

Relaxed Clarity, my friend. No previous history of medical stuff is required at the time of appointment.

Sweet. Is it hard to get one if you live out of state? It looks like it might be since they also require an electric bill or cable bill from the state. Anyone have experience with this? Do I need photoshop? Should I just wait till November?
If you choose to wait without a card you'll likely miss out on what you want.

However even in the time being, for you to get your card will grant you permission to shop at MMJ centers, thus allowing you access to those high CBD product foundations. Once a more well established system for rec shops is implemented which surpasses MMJ centers in quality and price, there will be no reason to go to an Amendment 64 shop.

But again, dispensaries may be more inclined to helping you (a patient) by always doing their best to provide high CBD products, where as a recreational shop will treat you like a customer who wants to get high. But that's just me.
.....dispensaries may be more inclined to helping you (a patient) by always doing their best to provide high CBD products, where as a recreational shop will treat you like a customer who wants to get high. But that's just me.

True words. But be careful of which dispensary you choose. RiverRock has excellent CBD/THC meds, but weak straight CBD meds... and they're mostly about moving product, which is high quality IMO to give them their due.. but I wouldn't look for much compassion. Natural Mystic, however, is now providing their activated oil syringes which is the best CBD/THC med that I have ever used... kind of pricey though at $50 per syringe (1/2g I think). Despite the cost, IMHO you will find compassion at Natural Mystic. Finally, the R4 at Greenwerkz... I didn't have a great experience at the Edgewater store, but I did have a good experience at the Custer Place store - nice folks there.... and they are selling the R4 for ridiculously cheap prices at present, but limiting the quantity until their next grow comes in.

did I say all that out loud? Doh! Love the avatar Constiello 8-)