High cbd strain

Aye Ahhr Pirate.... you and stow can hug each other, neither of you have a single clue about me. you're both bleeding, you analy and stow verbally. All because you weren't invited to the party. So you two geniuses run around attempting to kockblock a man's business.... It's called jealousy weasel munch. I won't hold my breath for your self-realizations.-Have a nice day gentlemen.

And you've completely lost your mind. I don't give a turd from your grandma about being invited to anything or being in someone's club. You have a nice day, and we'll see you back in 2 minutes with another stupid post, even though you keep announcing your departure. Fucking weirdo.
This whole time I've been thinking I'm the only practicing psychiatrist on this board. Pirate dude, are really in a position to be calling others a fucking wierdo? I have your file right here.
Party?! What party?
You missed a good one Glad bongsmilie

And you've completely lost your mind. I don't give a turd from your grandma about being invited to anything or being in someone's club. You have a nice day, and we'll see you back in 2 minutes with another stupid post, even though you keep announcing your departure. Fucking weirdo.

i know you were trying to be serious but i couldn't help but laugh at the "fuckin wierdo" at the end. classic.
Nanny Slow-n-grow doesn't approve. i see a bug in yer hair. guess you hit below the belt too many times big boy. who are you going to narc-out tomorrow because you think they're pompous? I always wanted a pet monkey, call me crazy!
Nanny Slow-n-grow doesn't approve. i see a bug in yer hair. guess you hit below the belt too many times big boy. who are you going to narc-out tomorrow because you think they're pompous? I always wanted a pet monkey, call me crazy!

Narc out? I'm choosing not to shop at the guys store, and I only respond to him when he runs his mouth on here ..... and that makes me a "narc"? You've jumped the shark abe. Ask your doctor to increase the dosage.
Stow, right here w you buddy. tell me in a month if you still like being singled out. call me anything you'd like. Yes, I Am a divergent thinker and it makes folks uncomfortable occasionally. Things can get rather creative up in the noggin. It's one thing to not like someone, it's another to posse troll the shit out of them, then to personally attack someone who has the balls to say, hey wait shut-the-fuck-up you're going overboard with yer constant nanny-like disapproval. so now were friends, even if you didn't plan it that way. yeah, I'm -kinda- sorry too. see you around. adios-
Yeah, well that's not gonna happen.

Let me ask you ghost. When you say something smart ass do you expect people to respond the same way, or do you expect people to wear kid gloves with you? Abe must think you're a real fragile cat that can't handle himself.

Good thing he's here looking out for you. A regular cyber-super hero that abe.
At the beginning dude kept throwing RD's recently banned name all over the place hoping to get said member banned again. THAT was the moment I knew Stow is in fact a narc pussy. Called him on it, he pretended like he didn't know what I was even referring to. Liar and Nanny-narc. He only knows how to deflect and not take responsibility, oh well -
At the beginning dude kept throwing RD's recently banned name all over the place hoping to get said member banned again. THAT was the moment I knew Stow is in fact a narc pussy. Called him on it, he pretended like he didn't know what I was even referring to. Liar and Nanny-narc. He only knows how to deflect and not take responsibility, oh well -

LMAO! Abe, so much butt hurt for someone who stuck their nose in to someone elses business. You can carry on with the narc bit all you want, but if I wanted him banned it would be as simple as a pm to a mod to accomplish that. That's not gonna happen, no matter how badly you want to paint me that way.

I hope you get over this abe. I know this place means the world to you. Maybe a different hobby would be therapeutic for you. You should try growing marijuana. I bet that would help.
Of all the people to get in a 10 page argument on RIU. You two? Really? Abe I respect you sticking up for a
friend but, come on man. To quote Huel " My brothers who are hatin on him have legit rights to hate, he's a
bona fide asshole but that's his gig." (Sorry to quote you Huel but, it's pertinent.) And this is coming from
someone that likes him!You two are two of our more progressive thinkers here. Who is next Rrog vs Buck in
the battle of Buddhist's?
You missed a good one Glad bongsmilie


yes if i could get a good sniff of that i could definately tell you if it was the strain ive had before.....
--id recognize those 'turpenes ' anywhere....and i know the flavinoids too-

...anyone know where to get the high cbd\estrogen clones??

i know their at some of the clubs on woodward but they come with buggz...and molds-

EDIT: me and rrog would never have verbal jujitsu....we are too buddhist
Of all the people to get in a 10 page argument on RIU. You two? Really? Abe I respect you sticking up for a
friend but, come on man. To quote Huel " My brothers who are hatin on him have legit rights to hate, he's a
bona fide asshole but that's his gig." (Sorry to quote you Huel but, it's pertinent.) And this is coming from
someone that likes him!You two are two of our more progressive thinkers here. Who is next Rrog vs Buck in
the battle of Buddhist's?

Might as well just let them go at it, as long as the man keeps putting up these fine flowers pics!
Stow you being a fucking dick is my business. Did somebody say butthurt... get back w me in a month and tell me how you feel. You ramming a banned users name in their face shows you're either ignorant/oblivious, a narc, or more likely in your instance both. That's straight forward - you should be able to digest that along with another mouthful of ypur own shit. Nice try again pretending you're so innocent. fake-ass jock politition. too many pucks to-the-head. I caught every one of your disparaging remarks along the way stow so here we go. have a nice evening