Well-Known Member
Hi all,
First time poster on this forum. I have self medicated for 20 some years, but only recently made it official with an MMJ card. The main reason that I became registered with CO state was to get access to high CBD medicine from dispensaries.
A little about my condition. I have early onset disc degenerative disease, most problems are centered at L4/L5/S1 disc. For anyone that deals with this, you know that on bad days the sciatic flare up can send shooting pain down your leg, and on the best day there is a constant pain level that just never goes away. I did the Percocet/Valium thing for years when the pain would get unbearable... got hooked on that crap, beat it after 2 weeks of sweats... never letting that happen again (I hope). Nuff of my whining.
Anyway, my research on CBD indicated that it acts as a non-psychoactive analgesic as well as an anti-inflammatory agent. Sounded great as I need full mental capacity while at work and can't medicate with THC during the day. Also, my hope is that long term the CBD can keep the inflammation down, which is what causes the sciatic flare-ups.
So, the first MMC that I visited was Denver Relief. Super nice and professional folks and I wish that I could have joined there, but they didn't have any high CBD strains. I did pick up enough of the DixieX 25mg Scrips (CBD caps) to make an informed decision on efficacy (10 caps at the tune of $110, ouch). The Scrips worked pretty good for me when I took 2 in the morning. Do the math, if used daily, the monthly costs of this medicine is prohibitive except for the wealthy. Denver Relief checked to see if there is a price break, and there is a 25% reduction on a monthly supply, but it's still too expensive.
Then I found RiverRock MMC and I thought I had found a home. I went by and picked up a 1/4oz of Sour Tsunami 2 (ST2) - excellent medicine, the CBD glow is well evident and the THC content high enough to add some euphoria. I also picked up some of their activated extract syringes and 10mg CBD caps (30 caps for $30) made from the ST2 plants. Both the activated extract and the caps are powerful meds. I take 4 of the CBD caps (40 mg total)in the morning. The caps have a quick uptake for oral meds (pretty much full onset at 1 hour) and give good pain relief and the CBD "glow" without being stoned. Actually, being the thorough kind of guy I am ( I say it's from being trained as an engineer... my old lady says I have OCD), I bought some THC saliva drug tests for an experiment. This morning, I took the 40mg of the CBD pills and then tested myself for THC two hours later. The test was negative, so it's pretty safe to say that the pills are mostly CBD with little THC if any.
So.... I bounced back into RiverRock to pick up a quantity of ST2 only to find they are sold out.... They told me at my first visit that they would be keeping it on the shelf, grrrrr. I believe that I will keep my membership with them just for the CBD caps, but that leaves me still looking for a consistent source of high CBD buds.
I have decided to grow my own (still winning the old lady over to the idea, probably will have to grow her some organic vegetables too as a compromise). I plan to build a grow room over the next month or so. I will post a journal, but that's for later. I have been scouring the Internet for high CBD clones or seeds for the last week. What I have come up with that I can legally obtain is 303 seeds Snow Goddess, which is advertised as having a strong CBD profile. Has anyone actually tested a grow of this strain for THC/CBD percentages... Or even just a THC/ CBD ratio?
I plan to visit Kind Love today, which looks to sell 303 seeds. They also are advertising two high CBD strains: Panacea (Indica) and Purple Diesel. CBD project reports that the Purp Diesel has a strong CBD profile, but I've never heard of Panacea? Will give a review of them if anyone is interested.
Sorry for long noob post. Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.
First time poster on this forum. I have self medicated for 20 some years, but only recently made it official with an MMJ card. The main reason that I became registered with CO state was to get access to high CBD medicine from dispensaries.
A little about my condition. I have early onset disc degenerative disease, most problems are centered at L4/L5/S1 disc. For anyone that deals with this, you know that on bad days the sciatic flare up can send shooting pain down your leg, and on the best day there is a constant pain level that just never goes away. I did the Percocet/Valium thing for years when the pain would get unbearable... got hooked on that crap, beat it after 2 weeks of sweats... never letting that happen again (I hope). Nuff of my whining.
Anyway, my research on CBD indicated that it acts as a non-psychoactive analgesic as well as an anti-inflammatory agent. Sounded great as I need full mental capacity while at work and can't medicate with THC during the day. Also, my hope is that long term the CBD can keep the inflammation down, which is what causes the sciatic flare-ups.
So, the first MMC that I visited was Denver Relief. Super nice and professional folks and I wish that I could have joined there, but they didn't have any high CBD strains. I did pick up enough of the DixieX 25mg Scrips (CBD caps) to make an informed decision on efficacy (10 caps at the tune of $110, ouch). The Scrips worked pretty good for me when I took 2 in the morning. Do the math, if used daily, the monthly costs of this medicine is prohibitive except for the wealthy. Denver Relief checked to see if there is a price break, and there is a 25% reduction on a monthly supply, but it's still too expensive.
Then I found RiverRock MMC and I thought I had found a home. I went by and picked up a 1/4oz of Sour Tsunami 2 (ST2) - excellent medicine, the CBD glow is well evident and the THC content high enough to add some euphoria. I also picked up some of their activated extract syringes and 10mg CBD caps (30 caps for $30) made from the ST2 plants. Both the activated extract and the caps are powerful meds. I take 4 of the CBD caps (40 mg total)in the morning. The caps have a quick uptake for oral meds (pretty much full onset at 1 hour) and give good pain relief and the CBD "glow" without being stoned. Actually, being the thorough kind of guy I am ( I say it's from being trained as an engineer... my old lady says I have OCD), I bought some THC saliva drug tests for an experiment. This morning, I took the 40mg of the CBD pills and then tested myself for THC two hours later. The test was negative, so it's pretty safe to say that the pills are mostly CBD with little THC if any.
So.... I bounced back into RiverRock to pick up a quantity of ST2 only to find they are sold out.... They told me at my first visit that they would be keeping it on the shelf, grrrrr. I believe that I will keep my membership with them just for the CBD caps, but that leaves me still looking for a consistent source of high CBD buds.
I have decided to grow my own (still winning the old lady over to the idea, probably will have to grow her some organic vegetables too as a compromise). I plan to build a grow room over the next month or so. I will post a journal, but that's for later. I have been scouring the Internet for high CBD clones or seeds for the last week. What I have come up with that I can legally obtain is 303 seeds Snow Goddess, which is advertised as having a strong CBD profile. Has anyone actually tested a grow of this strain for THC/CBD percentages... Or even just a THC/ CBD ratio?
I plan to visit Kind Love today, which looks to sell 303 seeds. They also are advertising two high CBD strains: Panacea (Indica) and Purple Diesel. CBD project reports that the Purp Diesel has a strong CBD profile, but I've never heard of Panacea? Will give a review of them if anyone is interested.
Sorry for long noob post. Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.