High cbd strains?


Well-Known Member
So i was golfing this past Saturday with a few friends that had a strain that was high cbd, one is a traveling nurse that gets tested every monday he told me, and it does not show up.....? He preceded to tell me it was hemp or something like that and it helps him with shoulder discomfort and relaxation without the stoney high, anyone know anything about this by chance?
Here's the link to what was purchased
So i was golfing this past Saturday with a few friends that had a strain that was high cbd, one is a traveling nurse that gets tested every monday he told me, and it does not show up.....? He preceded to tell me it was hemp or something like that and it helps him with shoulder discomfort and relaxation without the stoney high, anyone know anything about this by chance?
Its just hemp plants. They produce very small amounts of thc, like .3% which is federal threshold.

That low of a dose wouldn't show up in a drug test and wouldn't be enough to get you high.

I tried cbd bud but it does nothing for me. I dont really get the calming effects, a little ache and pain relief sorta but mostly nada.

Now if you didn't smoke then it probably has a more noticeable effect.
So i was golfing this past Saturday with a few friends that had a strain that was high cbd, one is a traveling nurse that gets tested every monday he told me, and it does not show up.....? He preceded to tell me it was hemp or something like that and it helps him with shoulder discomfort and relaxation without the stoney high, anyone know anything about this by chance?

I've been using CBD in edible form for a few years and it's just great for pain and inflammation of all sorts. I have about a pound of all CBD pot in the freezer to be made into oil then send that off to a lab for testing but the little batch of oil I made from it worked really well with zero buzz. I'll be able to blend the oil I make with oil from regular pot plants to tailor my meds. The THC oil will be getting tested as well so I can mix edibles like gummies to exact mgs of each.

I find it relaxes me and tends to make my focus better On long drives it tends to sharpen my view and make things seem a little rosier bringing out the beauty of the scenery more or at least making me more aware of it.

Any ideas on a good place to purchase quality hemp seeds by chance

Not really but there must be some out there somewhere.

The one I've been growing for 3 years now I had grown outside and it was supposed to be auto fem but grew as a photo. I almost didn't get a clone off her but accidentally broke a branch off so got it rooted, grew it and got clones, then flowered her while spraying a branch with STS and using that pollen to make S1 seeds on her for backup. I recently got some cuttings that rooted and are now small plants. Mom has just started week 3 of flowering.

It was just dumb luck I still have her and tho she tested well for CBD using the Beam's Test here I won't know how much CBD it really has until I get lab results. Anything over 12 - 15% and she's a keeper. Hopefully less than 1% THC as advertised. I still have some of the original seeds I found her in. I had grown another one of them with the first one and it grew auto but as a male and they were supposed to be fem seeds. Like a box of Forest Gump chocolates FFS. :)

I get almost all my seeds thru members on another site where it's all about seed trading and related stuff. Overgrow the gov't is the theme of the day. Got 4 clones of a very nice strain called Cherry Noir sent to me last Oct and will be making fem seeds those as well. 2 each from 2 mothers so S1s and F1s from those. No CBD tho.

I just bought some seeds and flower from Hoku Seed Company. It was a great experience! Floyd took his time to help me with all the questions I had.
I recommend Hoku seed Company and will definitely be a repeat buyer there.

They claim less than 0.3% THC for all the strains they sell so must be similar to the Earth Lover one I have. No autos tho and I'm still hunting around for a good CBD auto for outdoors here with that low THC value. I don't want any of the hundreds of 3:1, 5:1 etc strains as you never know for sure the actual amount of CBD/THC in each plant unless it's lab tested and that gets pricey at $60/test with $60 more if you want the terpene profile too.

If you're somewhere much further south than where I'm at at 56°N photoperiod plants would be OK bu our growing season is so short only autos will work without a blackout greenhouse.

Greenpoint seeds was selling cherrywine hemp seeds and a lot of folks reported herms.

Maybe they didn't do a great job making their version but I don't have experience with either company so can't say one way or 'tother.

They claim less than 0.3% THC for all the strains they sell so must be similar to the Earth Lover one I have. No autos tho and I'm still hunting around for a good CBD auto for outdoors here with that low THC value. I don't want any of the hundreds of 3:1, 5:1 etc strains as you never know for sure the actual amount of CBD/THC in each plant unless it's lab tested and that gets pricey at $60/test with $60 more if you want the terpene profile too.

If you're somewhere much further south than where I'm at at 56°N photoperiod plants would be OK bu our growing season is so short only autos will work without a blackout greenhouse.

Maybe they didn't do a great job making their version but I don't have experience with either company so can't say one way or 'tother.

Greenpoint was selling them for a different company so they didn't breed them. They actually had a link on GPS site that took you to the site selling hemp seeds. Just can't remember the company. Just remember the cherrywine strain name.
Greenpoint was selling them for a different company so they didn't breed them. They actually had a link on GPS site that took you to the site selling hemp seeds. Just can't remember the company. Just remember the cherrywine strain name.

A lot of different breeders seem to use the same names with similar crosses but get different results from them like herms so it's hard to find the best.

I got a great, I think, THC auto for outside and have made F1 fem seeds from 3 of them so will grow a couple of those and a couple of the originals outside this year. Wife got her medpot permit renewed recently and debating whether to file with Hellth Canaduh to get her registered for a legal med grow. 6g/day allows for 12 plants outside so that would be good. I have seeds called CBD Auto-Hemp regulars that I wouldn't mind trying in the spot I grew in last year. Pluck any males and plan to make some fems from the girls with STS. The new raised bed patch I'll be growing the Mazarilla THC autos in is only 4x16' so can maybe do 6 in there and 6 in the old patch that's 8x8'. I bought 8 new 107L bales of ProMix HP to amend the new raised bed with and now realize that's overkill but it'll get used eventually.

Last year's two Mazarilla by Urban Legends. Fans removed earlier that day and cropped the day after on Sept 11 last year. New spot gets lots more sun so hopefully bigger plants. These gave 6oz each and were only 32" tall at crop. The middle one is an unrelated CBD auto that won't be grown again.


So should i steer away from cherry wine strains then?

They have some nice strains there so I'm checking out the others to see if there's something good for me but no autos tho. $100 for 20 seeds is not a bad price either.

Some searching on the web for forum comments or grow journals for seeds from that company should help you decide. If lots of reported herms then run away but could be a good deal.

Where are you located generally? I'm in northern Alberta so not ideal for regular strains but autos are getting pretty good these days so I'm doing those outside. Almost all my pot gets made into oil for meds with just a few of the best colas cured for smoking. Trimming is hell for me with my arthritis so I just snip off everything that has no sugar then freeze it fresh for later processing.

Hi. Yes, it is a good idea to get rid of any pain or to relax. I've been smoking hemp CBD flower for a long time. I started smoking CBD in order to quit smoking cigarettes. Now I smoke CBD to improve my mood and to relax after the hard day. I tried a lot of different hemp products. Most of all like Abacus Diesel. Also like CBD Afghan Skunk. Usually I take it on this source.
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