high electric bill got you paranoid ?

your microwave uses a lot of electric as well as the washer and dryer so a average house with 3 kids has the power consumption roughly of a guy who lives alone and grows in his closet with couple 1000w. I have always heard to just pay the bill your fine and I have also learned to just keep your usage at 1000kwh per bedroom in your house. Better to just not be an idiot and grow so much in one place inside unless your just gonna do huge grow and move the fuck out.
ya, funny how EVERY pice of advice from any grower out there is "pay your bills on time without hassle" and not "steal the power"
lol, i'm never one to go and shout police! and even if i suspected it, wouldn't do it out of the fact that i can't prove it, so don't.

but i could totally see a some slightly smarter (slightly smarter than what though ;P) popo thought that going around giving "grow advice" might be productive :lol:

as i say thouhg, just a random heavily sedated thought, i in no way think the OP is the police haha
Fuck around and break the meter off like a dumbass and then scramble to hide 50 plants when they come to repair.
im thinking how can u steal electricity do u plug an extension lead in a neighbours socket while asking to use there phone
This guy is full of shit and trying to start trouble. No master electrician i would hire woud advise anyone of stealing power or monkeying with the meter.

I had a house once. I worked a lot and was very frugal so my electric bill was about $60. I invited a few people to live with me and the electric bill went well over $300 because of our computers and what not.

We did this for about 3 and NOTHING!!!!!
i work for a power company and if they think someone is stealing power they will put another meter at the transformer and check that meter every month and if they dont match your fucked......
ours is digital how can I beat thjat?

can't tell sarcasm from not, so please forgive me, but if not, then the whole point of the last 28 posts was to try and get the OP to realise how bloodys tupid it is trying to steal power and why you're pretty much gonna get caught and why you don't need to steal it in the first place