LOL - Not really true at all. They ARE a major part of the cost - even at $12-$15 per cob. You're still assuming the use of premium Mean Well drivers at $0.25-$0.30 per watt, and $20-30 dollar passive pin heatsinks. While I'm using $3 CPU heatsinks, and budget power supplies that cost $0.07 per watt. You guys dunno how to "Ghetto DIY" this shit... LOL.
We are easily in the same efficiency ballpark as those Philips 13W bulbs. When you figure in the number of sockets you have to kludge together, those LED bulbs are not as nearly cheap as they first seem on a per watt basis. I can make 300W of COB light using a $25 power supply, six $2 COB's ($12), six CPU heat sinks at $3 each ($1

a $6 wallwart 12V supply to run the fans and $20 worth of wire and doodads. Roughly 80 bucks total. 300W of those 13W LED bulbs are going to run ~$120 just for the 24 bulbs you need - not to mention all the sockets and splitters. As for that "UL listing" and Warranty - that's out the window as soon as you rip the globe off the bulb to get that 120-130 L/W.
Don't get me wrong here- I think the LED bulbs are a good affordable option as well, but they are not really the cheapest...
There's more than one way to skin a cat, and more than one configuration for building COB's.