High life seeds heath robinson scam


For the past few months I have been doing some reading and waitng for this to happen. Heath Robinson's strains being available to the public. I wasn't looking to purchase them meerly concerned for a respected grower I met online. Heath had a shadow at one point a guy who literally has taken all of Heaths work and in the last 12 months now appears to be taking that and making money off Heaths back.

So basically his repayment for one of the best mentors in the world was to rip this guy off. Then he omes here and because people drool so much over strains or figure if they have Heaths strains of course they will be able to grow his exact trees. It doesnt work like that I could take a cheap but good seed and grow just as big a plant heath got his trees because of UCRDWC and huge rootbases. Whats below dictates whats up top.

This sickens me okay because Heath is probably one of the best Hydro growers in the world. This person has compiled vast vast ammounts of info....so much so that they have reposted entire portions of now defunct boards. They might have been planing to do this for years. They might have personal info and now be sticking Heath in a real hard place.

I come here and what do i see? People questioning it or concerned for Heath who yeah got married but now seems to have dropped off the earth in main forums. No I see people climbing over themselves meerly to get his plants.I took a huge break I come back and see this garbage and have no way of contacting him to verify it. Someone out there does.

I have allot of respect for Heath but £60 shocked me a bit those strains in the crosses arent even block plants okay and if you want me to be brutally honest also Noone will touch a UCRDWC unit to reproduce because its so closely related to a GH waterfarm..Something I am sure even heath knew if he looked into it.

You have a house of cards buddy...you have no block plants and only hybrids only one of which is truley stabalized...that being the black rose which was bred toward purple and really is a true just block plant because your thc testings of it are way way off. Read up online its noted that Black Rose isnt a potent strain at all it just breeds to 100% purple. Its a good block to build with thats about it. Awesome looking plant ont get me wrong but lacks potency ...do the reading online its out there.

I am urging all dedicated or serious fans of Heath to take this post if you can't be bothered to make one of your own and copying it to other forums. We arent gettting the answers we deserve and a valued friend might need help or have someone ripping him off.

Thank you for all your help and anyone who took the time to read this or act on the above. Lets get some answers people for £60 a pack people deserve them. DJ short has been breeding 30 years+ for those prices and travelled the world. He also used block plants to truley build a new strain.

Guys like Breeder Steve and DJ deserve every penny of what they get. Subcool is also a very dedicated breeder. Lets pay these other fine breeders also the respect they deserve and not strip away their desire to breed. If everyone is paid roughly the same wheres teh incentive to do any better? Can't you people see thats whats happening and its wrong? That yes some high prices are unjustified while others are.

Heaths an extremely talented breeder but as even a friend do i feel £60 is fair knowing what I know and how far otehrs have had to go to get that. No its not really tbh considering the fact most of those plants are hybrids or so bottlenecked many were close to being stabalized anyway. We need some answers peeps



Active Member
Hey there, ive made a recent purchase at High Life Seeds... recieved Black Rose but got some freebies worth nearly what i spent.

Sorry but i can't seem to make out what your pointing to be a scam High Life??? Heath??? or his strains??


Active Member
Seems you aren't in a hurry to post back Hedges you very rude person! ill be here to check these threads daily


Active Member
That is true about the Black Rose, it's only used for coloring as far as I know.
I've heard of this Heath Robinson guy being one of the best in hydro, and I actually don't have the highest opinion of High Life Seeds. So count me Team Robinson over here.
This is such a shame. I hate to come out with the "why can't we all just get along" thing but, really, why can't we? Sucks that there are people out there who don't bat an eye after screwing someone out of their life's work.


That is true about the Black Rose, it's only used for coloring as far as I know.
I've heard of this Heath Robinson guy being one of the best in hydro, and I actually don't have the highest opinion of High Life Seeds. So count me Team Robinson over here.
This is such a shame. I hate to come out with the "why can't we all just get along" thing but, really, why can't we? Sucks that there are people out there who don't bat an eye after screwing someone out of their life's work.
Well if ur on Heaths side then your on marleys side and hedges I know u have the best intentions at heart but bro... Do a little research before you go accusing people of stuff please...

Jar Man

Active Member
Been farmin' more than a few moons. Heath is just another in a long line of finer THC geneticists stretching back before MGG Prophets Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthall. There's no such thing as ripping off the work of a breeder when superfine genetics have been around for a long time. And there's no truth to the idea that today's techie-THC lab work has really come up with anything better that what's existed for thousands of years anyway among ancient circles of breeders around the world. How long should Heath have kept it all to himself and why? Take a long pull off yer' hookah and relax Hedgman. Many of the posts on these threads are paranoid of HighLife seeds for no good reason. Most seed bank reviews shows them to be exceptional, though admittedly they're new on the block. I've used a few banks before like Highgrade and Subcool and found HighLife to have better service and faster delivery (Elektra) with freebies (5 reg Justice). We'll see how the genetics rates soon enough. I'm a picky old connoisseur.

Keepin it frosty

Jar Man

Active Member
One more thought. Heath Robinson likely has so much notoriety for reasons not really related to such superior breeding results over others who have almost never been heard of. In the early-mid '90's folks like Amsterdam's Arjan and others like Kyle Kushman were all the craze for their famed breeding efforts. I knew a lone unknown grower in 1999 that had the most awesome pheno mother he never knew where the original genes came from. But the (45 day) rock solid, crystal coated bud was far and away the most hammer hitting kick-ass soaringl potent cannabis I've ever cerebrally witnessed. I've certainly hit some of the best around over the years and have a very high tolerance. He called her Atomic Chronic and would put a little hallogram lightning bolt sticker on the bags he'd sell. It definitely lived up to the name and the lightning bolt beyond any doubt. It wasn't just super potent, but the quality of the soaring hammer-kick high it delivered and the way the last bud in a 1/4 hit as strong as the first. The sort of thing one hears about but only sees once or twice in a lifetime. He talked of heading to A'dam to enter it in the Cup, knowing it would likely win hands down against the best. Sure, plenty have claimed such about gange they've smoked in the past. But this was the real deal! Smoking is believing. And there are those growers/breeders just as potentially worthy that few ever hear about.


Well-Known Member
One more thought. Heath Robinson likely has so much notoriety for reasons not really related to such superior breeding results over others who have almost never been heard of. In the early-mid '90's folks like Amsterdam's Arjan and others like Kyle Kushman were all the craze for their famed breeding efforts. I knew a lone unknown grower in 1999 that had the most awesome pheno mother he never knew where the original genes came from. But the (45 day) rock solid, crystal coated bud was far and away the most hammer hitting kick-ass soaringl potent cannabis I've ever cerebrally witnessed. I've certainly hit some of the best around over the years and have a very high tolerance. He called her Atomic Chronic and would put a little hallogram lightning bolt sticker on the bags he'd sell. It definitely lived up to the name and the lightning bolt beyond any doubt. It wasn't just super potent, but the quality of the soaring hammer-kick high it delivered and the way the last bud in a 1/4 hit as strong as the first. The sort of thing one hears about but only sees once or twice in a lifetime. He talked of heading to A'dam to enter it in the Cup, knowing it would likely win hands down against the best. Sure, plenty have claimed such about gange they've smoked in the past. But this was the real deal! Smoking is believing. And there are those growers/breeders just as potentially worthy that few ever hear about.
Arjan as never been or never will be famed for breeding. He might try to re write historry but the truth is always out. Arjan never made a single seed. Until he ad no choice when Scott Blakey and Nevil left him stranded with no genetics over his own discusting sales technique.

I dont think Arjan could breed when he is to bust trying to destroy real genetics buy purposley giving out HERMY seed to growers in the mountians.
This then begins a watering down and cross polination of landrace genetics...

Catch this here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su2-ijE5snA

and this is the real W Widow creator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i85wn9MmLNY (Who is Scott blakey)

Jar Man

Active Member

Whoa, Chong! What's the credible sources for your info? The link you ask me to catch doesn't exactly have much from anyone with any history or credibility. And did you even go on to read the posts remarking how the land race varieties will adapt and likely void out any long term impact anyway? Ultimately just because people post a trail of links, who's to say their sources weren't full of it either? I never said I was a fan of Arjan. Only that he had notoriety in the early days of the A'dam C/C as a breeder and was featured often in High Times and elsewhere. Suppose all those folks had been fooled by some total phony for so many years? I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
For the past few months I have been doing some reading and waitng for this to happen. Heath Robinson's strains being available to the public. I wasn't looking to purchase them meerly concerned for a respected grower I met online. Heath had a shadow at one point a guy who literally has taken all of Heaths work and in the last 12 months now appears to be taking that and making money off Heaths back.

So basically his repayment for one of the best mentors in the world was to rip this guy off. Then he omes here and because people drool so much over strains or figure if they have Heaths strains of course they will be able to grow his exact trees. It doesnt work like that I could take a cheap but good seed and grow just as big a plant heath got his trees because of UCRDWC and huge rootbases. Whats below dictates whats up top.

This sickens me okay because Heath is probably one of the best Hydro growers in the world. This person has compiled vast vast ammounts of info....so much so that they have reposted entire portions of now defunct boards. They might have been planing to do this for years. They might have personal info and now be sticking Heath in a real hard place.

I come here and what do i see? People questioning it or concerned for Heath who yeah got married but now seems to have dropped off the earth in main forums. No I see people climbing over themselves meerly to get his plants.I took a huge break I come back and see this garbage and have no way of contacting him to verify it. Someone out there does.

I have allot of respect for Heath but £60 shocked me a bit those strains in the crosses arent even block plants okay and if you want me to be brutally honest also Noone will touch a UCRDWC unit to reproduce because its so closely related to a GH waterfarm..Something I am sure even heath knew if he looked into it.

You have a house of cards buddy...you have no block plants and only hybrids only one of which is truley stabalized...that being the black rose which was bred toward purple and really is a true just block plant because your thc testings of it are way way off. Read up online its noted that Black Rose isnt a potent strain at all it just breeds to 100% purple. Its a good block to build with thats about it. Awesome looking plant ont get me wrong but lacks potency ...do the reading online its out there.

I am urging all dedicated or serious fans of Heath to take this post if you can't be bothered to make one of your own and copying it to other forums. We arent gettting the answers we deserve and a valued friend might need help or have someone ripping him off.

Thank you for all your help and anyone who took the time to read this or act on the above. Lets get some answers people for £60 a pack people deserve them. DJ short has been breeding 30 years+ for those prices and travelled the world. He also used block plants to truley build a new strain.

Guys like Breeder Steve and DJ deserve every penny of what they get. Subcool is also a very dedicated breeder. Lets pay these other fine breeders also the respect they deserve and not strip away their desire to breed. If everyone is paid roughly the same wheres teh incentive to do any better? Can't you people see thats whats happening and its wrong? That yes some high prices are unjustified while others are.

Heaths an extremely talented breeder but as even a friend do i feel £60 is fair knowing what I know and how far otehrs have had to go to get that. No its not really tbh considering the fact most of those plants are hybrids or so bottlenecked many were close to being stabalized anyway. We need some answers peeps


Boo the strain hoarders.
Glad some one released his plants.

Once you sell me a seed it's no longer yours.
He didn't invent his marijuana or hydro he stood on the shoulders of those who came before him.

I remember him trying his hardest to destroy DoubleDs an Riots income.
Hope highlifeseeds does it to him.
Karma is a bitch.


New Member
Your too funny SCARHOLE. Its true though. No man can take any credit for the creation of a new strain or hybrid. Just like no man can take credit for the creation of another humanbeing. Im just a sperm donor. I didnt even make the sperm. God did. I have made over 75 new hybrids and have vast amount of F1's in glass vials. I didnt create the plant. I didnt dictate how the plants can come from a seed with the genetic code of its parents. Im just a vessel working with the plant. I can understand trying to find a niche. Like the Black Rose. Heath found his unique little niche that made him stand out on his own. Im trying to find mine with the hybrids Im working with. Arjan found his with the Haze plants. DJ Short found his with the BB. Im trying to find mine right now with the "Sweet Blue Diesel" in the "Sweet Blue" collection Im working with. Or, if the names too close to the Blue Diesel or the Blue Sweet collection I could call it Sweet n' Sour Blueberry. Either way, Its freakin awesome. I hear that alot about the Sweet Blue Skunk I made. People wonder if its the same as the Blue Sweet Skunk. and the answer is no.


Well-Known Member

Whoa, Chong! What's the credible sources for your info? The link you ask me to catch doesn't exactly have much from anyone with any history or credibility. And did you even go on to read the posts remarking how the land race varieties will adapt and likely void out any long term impact anyway? Ultimately just because people post a trail of links, who's to say their sources weren't full of it either? I never said I was a fan of Arjan. Only that he had notoriety in the early days of the A'dam C/C as a breeder and was featured often in High Times and elsewhere. Suppose all those folks had been fooled by some total phony for so many years? I don't think so.
this "notoriety" that you speak of in the early years was because GHSC had Shanti and Neville breeding, after those two left, Arjan was left with his dick in his hand. CC rewards those that spend the most on ads in hightimes, and even with that Arjan was caught trying to bribe judges at a CC. if you don't yet know that Canna's post was spot on the mark, then you need to do a lil more homework before u come in here spewing that garbage. just because you dont know if something is true doesn't mean that the rest of us are in that same boat as you ;)

T Ray

Well-Known Member
I have heard that Heath Robinson is now the owner of highlife seeds.
---- LINK---- https://www.rollitup.org/seedbank-reviews/471996-high-life-seeds-heaths-strains-3.html#post6629036

Sorry for not replying to this thread before now but I have only just been made aware of it, yes High Life are indeed stocking my seeds, the new owners are life long friends.

Hedges, I can understand your concern and its good you posted up as there are plenty of scammers on the various forums.

Marley13, Im pleased you got some of the seeds you were after, good luck with your grow and give rollitup a chance there are some great grows and growers on here.

and to keep you here later this week I will be posting up a little scrog I have done.


So it appears Highlife seeds are legit and selling Heath Robinson's gear.

Jar Man

Active Member
this "notoriety" that you speak of in the early years was because GHSC had Shanti and Neville breeding, after those two left, Arjan was left with his dick in his hand. CC rewards those that spend the most on ads in hightimes, and even with that Arjan was caught trying to bribe judges at a CC. if you don't yet know that Canna's post was spot on the mark, then you need to do a lil more homework before u come in here spewing that garbage. just because you dont know if something is true doesn't mean that the rest of us are in that same boat as you ;)
Same thing! You also are not really reading what I said. So where's the proof? Were you actually there? Where did you read up on any of this? Some others have claimed a different story. That was my original point. Spewing what garbage? Maybe you need to actually look and think about what's being said before you go off without a clue. And just exactly who's, "the rest of us" anyway?
Relating to the original topic matter and in line with furthering my point here, what's then up with this copy of an email about Heath Robinson's stuff I rec'd from Highlife?

"Hello AK x misti were some seeds made for freebies, we may stock them soon. As for Heaths genetics, well its their loss if these people are none believers. Heath and I are lifelong friends and he can be contacted at IC mag to verify it all.



Well-Known Member
waiting on my order now. i too dealt with a dude named graham and there service up this point has been good. do you have a picture jar man of the logo and packaging