"High Lights" - high powered, CRI95 flowering boards made in Australia


Well-Known Member
I think to be fair, sunni, he wasn't asking for free handouts but for people to send him LED products to test. He's invested a lot of good money in light-testing equipment, which is a valuable resource, IMO. I sent him some boards and even offered to let him keep them, but he didn't want them - he only wanted to collect the data so we could all share it. He's offered to do this for free and I'll get everything back when he's finished.

Is it a form of self-promotion? Well yes and no. Yes, he is promoting what he can do, and yes he has strong opinions, but I haven't seen any evidence of spamming. I've seen him arguing with the odd sponsor, but it's not unusual to see sponsors arguing amongst themselves! Also, the Aussie lexicon can be a bit of an acquired taste at ties, and not always taken with the pinch of salt that's usually served with it . . .

Yeah, that's us. OK, he's a Kiwi, but you get the gist ;)

Alright, I admit TEKNIK didn't help his cause. I think he could have handled himself a bit better - chilled a bit more - and stopped poking the proverbial hornet's nest . . . But it also looks to me like maybe things escalated further than they should have.

You've always struck me as a pretty fair admin, sunni, so I know you wouldn't have done this lightly. But it's a shame things can't be worked out, because I believe he does add value to the forum and, well, there's always the ignore button. I know I've been put on a few ignore buttons over the years.

I also know about the "Miserable User" hack in the admin cp - I've been on both ends of it, lol! It's not very nice :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm not sure if it's too late, or of there's even a way to resolve this - maybe just lock him in the LED forum for a while until he plays nice - but if there's a way, then I support giving him another go. No Miserable User, just lock him in here with the fellow LED nerds for a bit. We can sort the wheat from the chaff.

Well said crustacean from the land down under...

Please Sunni?


Well-Known Member
That’s not st all what’s happening
He was asked nicely to stop name calling
He spent 2 days screaming into my inbox about how he will won’t stop
And how he is an led light expert who Riu is lucky to have

Than he continued to name call repeatedly he was put on slow down mode about a week ago
The entire week he has spent crying calling me names and going on about how
Mean I am to him
Than he started asking for free hand outs from users which is against the rules
And than he started promoting his website on here which is free advertising and spam also against the rules
He’s not being picked on he just can’t follow the rules
Just wanted you to know that I was one of the guys who sent him a free led strip to test. I asked him. He did not ask me. And he did a free test (which would be quite pricey if I had to pay for it) and the results were posted on my thread for all to benefit by. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted you to know that I was one of the guys who sent him a free led strip to test. I asked him. He did not ask me. And he did a free test (which would be quite pricey if I had to pay for it) and the results were posted on my thread for all to benefit by. Just saying.
Yeah, i think contribution should be factored in to the banning decision...

C’mon Sunni, one more chance...you can do it....


Well-Known Member
With the rapidly growing LED industry and so much misinformation being passed around and so many different products to choose from, i think his expertise/testing in this area is priceless for any RIU member going down this rabbit hole

As i said before, he certainly never helped his cause and at times his posts came off as very arrogant and almost confrontational but have a look around, theres many many many posters who are exactly the same way or worse and contribute far less than Teknik, i think he truly has good intentions for growers looking to enter the LED world.

I know my voice dont mean much around here, but id still like to see him be given access to the LED section at the very least. As a newbie in this game, i need all the help i can get. I doubt im the only one.

Reason i entered the thread was to ask @Prawn Connery what the price point was and if shipping to Canada was an option? Nice looking boards and you got some heavy hitters showing them off, best of luck


Staff member
Just wanted you to know that I was one of the guys who sent him a free led strip to test. I asked him. He did not ask me. And he did a free test (which would be quite pricey if I had to pay for it) and the results were posted on my thread for all to benefit by. Just saying.
just so you Know that’s completely against forum rules since you’re not a paid advertiser and we don’t allow member trades sales gifts etc through our website
I think to be fair, sunni, he wasn't asking for free handouts but for people to send him LED products to test. He's invested a lot of good money in light-testing equipment, which is a valuable resource, IMO. I sent him some boards and even offered to let him keep them, but he didn't want them - he only wanted to collect the data so we could all share it. He's offered to do this for free and I'll get everything back when he's finished.

Is it a form of self-promotion? Well yes and no. Yes, he is promoting what he can do, and yes he has strong opinions, but I haven't seen any evidence of spamming. I've seen him arguing with the odd sponsor, but it's not unusual to see sponsors arguing amongst themselves! Also, the Aussie lexicon can be a bit of an acquired taste at times, and not always taken with the pinch of salt that's usually served with it . . .

Yeah, that's us. OK, he's a Kiwi, but you get the gist ;)

Alright, I admit TEKNIK didn't help his cause. I think he could have handled himself a bit better - chilled a bit more - and stopped poking the proverbial hornet's nest . . . But it also looks to me like maybe things escalated further than they should have.

You've always struck me as a pretty fair admin, sunni, so I know you wouldn't have done this lightly. But it's a shame things can't be worked out, because I believe he does add value to the forum and, well, there's always the ignore button. I know I've been put on a few ignore buttons over the years.

I also know about the "Miserable User" hack in the admin cp - I've been on both ends of it, lol! It's not very nice :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm not sure if it's too late, or of there's even a way to resolve this - maybe just lock him in the LED forum for a while until he plays nice - but if there's a way, then I support giving him another go. No Miserable User, just lock him in here with the fellow LED nerds for a bit. We can sort the wheat from the chaff.

You know it is a real shame someone can’t just follow the damn rules !
see the thing is the slow down mode was his last chance
Trading gifting selling is against forum rules
Spamming your website is against forum rules
Name calling after being verbally warned not to several times is against forum rules
He ruined it he had several verbal warnings than admin controlled warnings
It wasn’t out of the blue
He knew he was breaking the rules he didn’t care
So he’s gone

He ruined it for himself
Shitty eh ?

At the end of the day I don’t make the rules here and we don’t make exceptions if people like someone that’s not how modding works
Owner told me to ban him eons ago I actually gave him chances he screwed himself
He just couldn’t let it go

Prawn Connery

Well-Known Member
I know it may not make any difference, but for the record:

He was offering to measure LED boards and strips so that members here could verify their true efficiency. I don't know if that strictly qualifies as trading etc - he was just helping the community. For example, some of us have hand-held spectrometers or PAR meters and we often post up results of LEDs and other light sources for those who don't have (or can't afford) the same equipment to see and benefit from. That's not selling or trading - it's helping a brother out.

Also, I didn't see any spamming myself. He did post links to the equipment he had, but I don't think he ever "advertised" his services. He certainly big-noted himself - and I agree (and I'm sure even TEKNIK agrees) he came across as arrogant. But I don't know how fine a line it is between offering to help people with your expertise and equipment and "spamming".

Name-calling, yes. But that's not uncommon on this forum ;)

I know he had a few warnings, too, and as others have stated, he didn't do himself any favours.

All I'm saying is that I don't believe he was guilty of anything other than being a bit of dick at times - which I'm sure lots of us have been guilty of in the past - and that the real losers are the people on this forum who could benefit from his experience.

I know he ruined it for himself - there is no argument there - it's just that maybe he was vilified for the wrong reasons to begin with and that's what escalated the situation.

I honestly don't think he's being treated fairly in that respect. Certainly he deserves a kick in the arse for the way he has spoken to some people, but he doesn't deserve to be punished for something, IMO, he didn't do. Others here have said the same thing.

I understand your position, sunni, I just think maybe things went a bit too far when they could have been resolved earlier.


Well-Known Member
just so you Know that’s completely against forum rules since you’re not a paid advertiser and we don’t allow member trades sales gifts etc through our website
so bringing in valuable infos for user is bad for the forum, but offering a known scammer with unscientific claims a plattform because he paid for it is good for the forum?

nice to see the priorities of RIU, profits over users. if he calls the police again on one of his customers it's on RIU too this time, you know?


Staff member
so bringing in valuable infos for user is bad for the forum, but offering a known scammer with unscientific claims a plattform because he paid for it is good for the forum?

nice to see the priorities of RIU, profits over users. if he calls the police again on one of his customers it's on RIU too this time, you know?
I’m taking care of that and have been since the day I heard of it but it requires sometime
And I can’t publicly speak about it on open forum
Don’t worry it won’t be here long

You guys don’t realize how much I actually do behind the scenes
I’ve been advocating for you all since that person joined Once I found out I’ve been putting into motion an end
But again time is a factor


Staff member
I know it may not make any difference, but for the record:

He was offering to measure LED boards and strips so that members here could verify their true efficiency. I don't know if that strictly qualifies as trading etc - he was just helping the community. For example, some of us have hand-held spectrometers or PAR meters and we often post up results of LEDs and other light sources for those who don't have (or can't afford) the same equipment to see and benefit from. That's not selling or trading - it's helping a brother out.

Also, I didn't see any spamming myself. He did post links to the equipment he had, but I don't think he ever "advertised" his services. He certainly big-noted himself - and I agree (and I'm sure even TEKNIK agrees) he came across as arrogant. But I don't know how fine a line it is between offering to help people with your expertise and equipment and "spamming".

Name-calling, yes. But that's not uncommon on this forum ;)

I know he had a few warnings, too, and as others have stated, he didn't do himself any favours.

All I'm saying is that I don't believe he was guilty of anything other than being a bit of dick at times - which I'm sure lots of us have been guilty of in the past - and that the real losers are the people on this forum who could benefit from his experience.

I know he ruined it for himself - there is no argument there - it's just that maybe he was vilified for the wrong reasons to begin with and that's what escalated the situation.

I honestly don't think he's being treated fairly in that respect. Certainly he deserves a kick in the arse for the way he has spoken to some people, but he doesn't deserve to be punished for something, IMO, he didn't do. Others here have said the same thing.

I understand your position, sunni, I just think maybe things went a bit too far when they could have been resolved earlier.
But he did do it all he name called he advertised etc you just can’t see if because it’s been deleted

I tried to resolve it many times in Pm with him
He spent two damn days screaming into my inbox about how horrible I am when I calmly asked him not to do certain things

Edit I mean not just one message per day
4-10 messages per hour for almost two days straight except for when he slept screaming at me in long paragraphs about how amazing he is and how bad I am for asking him not to name call

Like needs help imho if you ask me

Prawn Connery

Well-Known Member
I’m taking care of that and have been since the day I heard of it but it requires sometime
And I can’t publicly speak about it on open forum
Don’t worry it won’t be here long

You guys don’t realize how much I actually do behind the scenes
I’ve been advocating for you all since that person joined Once I found out I’ve been putting into motion an end
But again time is a factor
I've got a fair idea how much goes on behind the scenes. I know it's a thankless task a lot of the time. I'll leave it there.

Prawn Connery

Well-Known Member
hey Prawn, im really interested in those lights you are using from "high lights" do you have a link to their website, im unable to find them. thanks for your time
Hi mate, that's because there is no website. As I mentioned earlier, a few of us growers got together and designed and built our own flowering boards here in Australia, and that's what these are. There are some boards leftover, so you can PM me if interested. Cheers.

Prawn Connery

Well-Known Member

444mm x 206mm, includes 5mm corner mounting holes that can also be drilled out to accommodate common hangars.


One of the philosophies behind the High Light boards was that, if you start with a decent spectrum, you can always increase the light output (with a small penalty in terms of heat and efficiency), or run at a range of outputs to suit your set-up. If you don't have a decent spectrum to begin with, then you obviously can't change it.

Spending the extra money on high-efficiency, high CRI LEDs meant we wanted to be able to use them to their full potential. To do this, we needed good thermal management and a good heatsink, which was factored into the board design from the beginning.

Anyone who has ever shopped for heatsinks knows they are expensive. So one of the aims was to build a board with matching heatsinks that could be bought fairly cheaply to offset the cost of the LED boards. A heatsink can increase the wattage of these boards from just under 150W to 225W - a 50% increase in power (but not quite a 50% increase in light output, as there is an efficiency penalty of a few percent). However, even at lower wattages a good heatsink can increase LED efficiency by lowering temperatures across the board. With a bit of air movement inside the grow room, cooling can be greatly increased.

Running without a heatsink would also need to be an option, and so the final board design was based on a 410x205mm PCB which was later stretched to 415mm, with a 30x15 LED layout (450 LEDs total).

The 205mm wide board had a couple of advantages: it was big enough to accommodate a wide-spaced LED layout (providing a good spread of light whilst eliminating hotspots and keeping overall board temperatures down), but also allowed us to commission a bunch of HLG clone heatsinks that were already available on the market (thanks HLG!).

Working with the heatsink manufacturer, we settled on a length that would maximise the number of sinks per raw extrusion to keep costs down whilst providing enough room for mounting holes etc so the boards could easily be bolted together to form a square, or hung on their own.

High Lights vs QBs

Up to 450W of light can be extracted from these two with a couple of 240s or single 480W driver.

We also commissioned a double heatsink for those who wanted the convenience of mounting two boards end-to-end. This was a request from one particular grower who wanted to mount four boards in a 4x4 and have the convenience of raising or lowering a pair of boards on each side of the tent for a staggered grow style.