High or No High?

Is it possible to grow a great looking plant with great looking buds and have a low THC level?

If so what do I look for as to not make this mistake.

Several years ago I tried some weed from Kentucky and it looked, smelled and tasted awsome.

Problem was it was very low on THC, very little effect. ( I believe this is where they came up with the term Kentucky no high )

Don't worry Kentuckians some of the best medicine I ever had came out of Kentucky.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I would think that the THC level is more dependent on the strain than the growing...now you can reduce it through poor growing, but you can't make a low THC strain have more...I wouldn't think...


Active Member
Hey bro, my personal opinion is that genetics plays a great part in it. Plant a good bean get a good plant, ya know.... I always look for the trichs to look like snow on my girls to give me an idea if it will be potent or not...My advice as a rookie still myself is to spend half a benjamin and get yourself 10 good seads....and a camera we will be wanting pixs...

One of my girls 30 days bloom this morning, gettin frosty

Brick Top

New Member
Depending on how low in THC it is possible. First off, it might not have been wunder-weed to begin with. Second, high humidity during flowering will result in fewer trichomes and what trichomes are there the capitate-stalked trichomes will have taller thinner stalks and the heads are prone to breaking off easily. Third, it could have been harvested very early, and I mean so early that even little THCA existed. Fourth, it could have been harvested late and most of the THC had oxidized and become CBN which is only mildly psychoactive and causes drowsiness/sleepiness and confusion, but not a high or a true stone. Fifth, it could have been a combination of the first and the second possible causes, combined with either the third or fourth possible causes.

Brick Top

New Member
Hey bro, my personal opinion is that genetics plays a great part in it. Plant a good bean get a good plant, ya know.... I always look for the trichs to look like snow on my girls to give me an idea if it will be potent or not...My advice as a rookie still myself is to spend half a benjamin and get yourself 10 good seads....and a camera we will be wanting pixs...

One of my girls 30 days bloom this morning, gettin frosty
Good genetics are important, but they are only about 50% responsible for the quality of the herb someone gets in the end.

Growing is like taking an exam, a test. For every error made, for every little bit that growing conditions/growing environment differ from being optimal, your results will be slightly lowered.

Starting with good genetics is not a guarantee of getting top quality herb. It is only a guarantee that you have the possibility of getting top quality herb. Starting with low to mid quality genetics guarantees that even if no mistakes are made and the growing conditions/growing environment are absolutely perfect the very best results you can achieve will be low to mid quality herb, and for every error made, for every little bit that growing conditions/growing environment differ from being optimal, your results will be slightly lowered from whatever the highest level of low to mid quality you otherwise might have had.


Active Member
You got it bro..."mildly psychoactive and causes drowsiness/sleepiness and confusion" I like the confusion part....lol

Brick Top

New Member
You got it bro..."mildly psychoactive and causes drowsiness/sleepiness and confusion" I like the confusion part....lol

Lots of people confuse that with potency and a true stone. That's why there is such love for amber trichomes. They think CBN gives a true stone, so they throw away THC to get more CBN.