High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

and @ jack herer Im really at a loss for words here. It sounds like you have a good idea what your talking about when it comes to growing. I cant seem to grasp you have never had one problem with ph? None of the plants you have ever grown in soil have had lock out due to ph issues? I have come to learn a very important balance of ph fert and water is needed to achieve lush fast growing plants. Throw one of those off balance and your plants go down the shitter. I know run=off is not the true reading of the soil but it definitely will give you the range in which the soil is.

And if my methods are off or inclusive, why do my plants tell me they are right on? If I was wrong about what ever I post I would not have a room full of badass plants to show you would I?

If I were wrong, my plants would suck, be suffering from all types of problems, I must remind everyone here, Im not the one posting "what is wrong with my plant" Im not asking for help like so many other growers out there. I really encourage you to repeat my experiment. Take 3-4 healthy good looking plants. flush them with almost pure ph up and see what a high ph does to them, leave them for a few days, watch the lock out reap havoc on them, then bring them back to normal and back to there lush fast growing self. I know you will have a better respect for ph in soil after you watch first hand, your plants dying right in front of you, its really a terrible thing to watch.

And @ those who want sources,,,https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 I have read this entire thing over and over, way down bottom there is a small section where it describes high ph and even has a pic with it!!!!

another placehttp://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/bo...s+Grow+Bible&gclid=CNOzrK6a1rsCFQlgMgodNUQAew

All 3 of posted sources will explain high ph and what it does to your plant and how important it is in soil or hydro

No Sir, not one problem due to pH lock out. In fact, my soil pH doesn't vary. I learned to test the soil pH just before using it, and get it right before the plants get in it. Once the soil pH is set it is all but impossible to change in a short period, and and I've never seen it drift more than .03 points for the duration of my grows. Your example of pouring "pure pH up" is nuts to begin with because that would be reagent grade sodium or potassium hydroxide and NOBODY is ever gonna do that.
Your plants look normal probably because there isn't a problem with your soils pH. But it isn't because you are "controlling" the pH of a properly buffered soil, it's because the buffered soil is keeping pH stable.

As to just how badass and sexy your plants are, what can I say? They look nice, but they look like any other grow to me. I'm outta here on this one......

Alexander & Dub, Ron White is right.
No Your example of pouring "pure pH up" is nuts to begin with because that would be reagent grade sodium or potassium hydroxide and NOBODY is ever gonna do that.

As to just how badass and sexy your plants are, what can I say? They look nice, but they look like any other grow to me. I'm outta here on this one......

Alexander & Dub, Ron White is right.

Yea no one is ever going to do that, your right, but thats not what im telling people to do. that was my way of fukin up the soil, to try and make it like 1/2 the soil I see on just this website, not grss city, not icmag...just here

So your soil is perfect for cannabis, but do you really think everyones soil is like yours? I take it you have a few years experiance by the way you talk and share info, so for you to mix up a batch of soil is easy, just as its easy for me.

Now when it comes to helping and teaching new growers its kinda like damage control. The new grower grabs some dirt, throws a seed in and it starts to grow, they water it and it starts to head south then the next thing they do is post HELP!!! PLANTS ARE DYING!!! .

I very rarely read of a new grow asking, what should I put in the soil, what type of soil should I use, should I use compost, does lava rock help the roots, does mycelium help the roots?

I actually took the time, made an account, and post here to help and teach new growers. Ya sure I could make a post of the perfect soil recipe would that help....most people no, because its too late, the posts I read here, the plant is already in whatever soil they have laying around and the ph is wacked out.

Have you ever dug soil up under a pine tree and used that to grow in? no? It must be because it is sandy and or the ph is around 4.5-5.5 very acidic.
Now dig some soil from a blackberry or raspberry patch and grow in that. The ph of that soil is right around 6.5-7.0, the same for cannabis. Mj loves blackberry patches.

Im going to trust my plants on this one. I make them work for me, I dont struggle to grow them, it really comes natural to me, but everyone is not like me.

TO EVERYONE WHO CONTINUES TO SAY SOIL PH DOES NOT AND WILL NOT CHANGE....PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING, or your really stubborn and will never learn how ph works in soil, and also do this before shitting on my thread.

Water a few healthy plants with woodash infused water for a few weeks. Add 1/2 cup sifted woodash per 1 gallon of water. let it sit for a few hours and mix it up really good. Do this every watering. Now for really good soil it make take 2 weeks to see a difference, most soil it will take a few days.

Now since soil ph never ever ever changes, what is happening to your plants? overdose of micro nutes? probably not. I would just love to see the plants 3 weeks after doing this. please complete this experiment and post results please just go ahead and do it.

It shouldn't be a big argument or bashing of my thread, there shouldnt be a bunch of excuses why your not going to do this, its really simple actually Just do it. because ph doesnt change in soil, this shouldnt affect your plants and any negative way. wood ash is good for plants and is loaded with micro nutes.
woah man. breathe for a second.

Your all over the place, I don't even know where to start.

we wanna help, cause we feel your pain. But your not making it easy.
the microbiology of the soil dictates it's ph. Of course this is assuming you have a good, healthy, living soil.

The water going in, has little to do with the ph of the soil. Like others have said.

wood ash, would be altering the biology of the soil, thus changing the ph. Just like dolomite lime.

if your soil ph is high, in a properly balance soil. It's because their is no bacterial activity going on
lol....breathing... no pain here, my medicine takes care of that just fine. Im not the who needs help. really , my grow is in top shape. I havent seen a deff. for 3-4 weeks.

since I just started this grow, I have new equipment, new lights, new soil, new strains, which I have about 30 regular strains in those pics. new air filter, new c02 system, new grow room controller by intelliclimate, new pots, new light rail, new fans, new dehumidifier, new ac, full selection of new ferts, grow's, micro's and bloom's. everything you can think of is brand new mid november.

by all over the place you mean all over ph. thats what is being discussed here correct? Im really getting tired of typing so much. Please complete experiment as stated above, please post results. Thank you for the time and posting a reply.
the microbiology of the soil dictates it's ph. Of course this is assuming you have a good, healthy, living soil.

The water going in, has little to do with the ph of the soil. Like others have said.

wood ash, would be altering the biology of the soil, thus changing the ph. Just like dolomite lime.

there.... right there you finally said it, thus changing the ph. wow All that and you finally admit the soil's ph can be changed, as ive been saying for the past 2 weeks when I made this thread.

So do you assume all new growers have a good living, growing soil? that is not a good assumption to make, have you seen any of the HELP threads and see what they use for soil?

my point is the soil ph can be changed, by the water you dump in. thank you!!

your contradicting your self a bit in that last post... The water has little to do with the soil ph. the water changes the biology and the ph of the soil. soil ph can be changed, controlled, just like how strong my fert is, or how warm I let my room get before the exaust kicks on, or how much c02 is flooding my rooms. It can be altered by the water you dump in your soil.

Just as you can make the soil ph drop by adding lemon juice, altering the biology of the soil thus changing the ph.
As far as your methodology goes, how do you not know the improvement would not happen on it's own after a couple days of letting the soils natural buffering do it's thing?
man... I'm trying to help.

if you wanna seriously discuss this, I'm all ears and also willing to share.

But your being quite childish, and i don't help children grow Mj.
Childish, how. by using your post to prove my point.

aimaim, Yes, my soil is very healthy and has tons of adjustments and amendments. I actually posted how to correct as a guide to someone who does not have a good soil and their soil has become high in ph. Alot of unhealthy soil will climb, climb, climb untill it becomes toxic and needs to be flushed.

mg for example. I have a bag of moisture control from about 2 years ago, my girl got it for me and I refuse to use it. I just took a little hand full, made a slushey out of neutral water, let it sit all day, drained a tiny bit of the water out of the soil soup and tested it. 8.3 If i were to plant a seed in that soil, it would sprout grow to about 4-5 inches and start showing lockout. NOw the seedling is in horrible soil that has a ph that is out of range.... now what? throw away the seedling, most first time growers hate throwing away males. Flush with a low ph water. lemon juice, ph down, or such would be the only thing they could do to save the plant,,,, what else would you do?

I expect experianced growers to have a good soil thats keeps the correct ph by buffering, as my soil does.

As per the title, I aimed this thread at newbies, not really aimed at someone who has the biology of a healthy soil mixture down. I figured this was well known info.
yea i know.. but seriously, im not calling names dude!! come on?? so lets get this straight...as adults

So what would you tell the new grower who started a $25 dollar diesel seed, in mg potting mix that was 2 yrs old and had a high ph of 8.3, no living anything in the soil, all the macro & micro nutes are long gone.

How would you advise him to proceed? Im just wondering because everything I would tell him would be wrong according to everyone.
great come back info and my bad i been working today sorry for the delay.. i used my meter and i stuck my meter through the soil and through the roots..!! some of the areas read 7.5-9.. i seen the highest of 9 in one area thats why i said the ph was 9.. but i havent used the lime yet., i just flushed it with water until it went down to 6.0..!
there's no one whose right or wrong..!! like i said im open for suggestions and i'll take the best one that i see that fits my plant..!!

  • sativa indica pits

yo mane i like how u speak and u have the info to back it up..no offense to anyone.., but i pay attention to details and i read from top to bottom on everybody info that they give me and i will comment if its good or bad because like "sativa indica pits" said "he's not asking for info on growing" he giving info and i would appreciate if everybody keep giving their opinion no matter who says what
thank you
yea i know.. but seriously, im not calling names dude!! come on?? so lets get this straight...as adults

So what would you tell the new grower who started a $25 dollar diesel seed, in mg potting mix that was 2 yrs old and had a high ph of 8.3, no living anything in the soil, all the macro & micro nutes are long gone.

How would you advise him to proceed? Im just wondering because everything I would tell him would be wrong according to everyone.

Lol, Id advise him that he overpaid for the seed, choose a shitty soil to start with, and should listen to you. Cause your right

yo mane i like how u speak and u have the info to back it up..no offense to anyone.., but i pay attention to details and i read from top to bottom on everybody info that they give me and i will comment if its good or bad because like "sativa indica pits" said "he's not asking for info on growing" he giving info and i would appreciate if everybody keep giving their opinion no matter who says what
thank you

The blind leading the dumb

great stuff

i love you both
u gotta come better than that if u gonna say "the blind leading the dumb" thats not informational for my plant buddy ol pal..!! save all of that negativity.. thats not an informational fight or opinion fight
The blind leading the dumb

great stuff

i love you both

Ok OK but seriously what do you tell him? you tell him just leave it and the soil will correct the problem all by it self and his plant will be fine? or I guess like you said tell him to suk it up, you fukt up, learnt nothing and now you have 0. why not try n help someone save their grow, unless you just dont care, but it is quite obviously you do care thats why your here right in the plant problems, to help everyone save their grow?

please explain how he would save his plant?
I'd be surprised that MG has such a high PH out of the bag, but assuming this was the case I'd suggest the grower repot or amend with peat / perlite / promix.

I'm a newish grower and have never PH'd anything, and my plants look great and my harvest have been solid. Pot is insanely easy to grow.

IME 95% of all plant issues in these forums are related to over feeding and or temps, my guess is very few soil grows have PH issues. If a soil grow is having PH issues best advice it to amend or repot to a better soil.