High power COB -vs- hps vertical shoot out

I could afford to buy a led company, Not why i hate on them. You got 8 oz of low grade pot, good for you. how much did you spend to do it,LMFAO
also, good for you for attacking me personally, AGAIN, it's all you got.
See Chuck you didn't even smoke any of it and you say it's low grade you are sounding like a hater. The bud is Dr krippling Incredible Bulk which I got 2lbs off 4 plants and 800w of cob lights at least I'm happy you hater lol and at least I have some real input to this community unlike you
See Chuck you didn't even smoke any of it and you say it's low grade you are sounding like a hater. The bud is Dr krippling Incredible Bulk which I got 2lbs off 4 plants and 800w of cob lights at least I'm happy you hater lol and at least I have some real input to this community unlike you
good for you, pat yourself on the back for helping the community. You helped me too. I now know not to buy LED lighting if I want top shelf weed. Led has it's place, but unfortunately, it isn't on that top shelf.
I can always pick out Americans. You're ''mostly'' all the same, only able to validate something or someone if it is the best, lynching anything that is not. I don't know if it's the schooling that teaches you this god awful way of living but It's not normal or healty'. << your brain is instantly picking up on bad grammar right?, so I must be wrong in everything stated prior, correct?..
I can always pick out Americans. You're ''mostly'' all the same, only able to validate something or someone if it is the best, lynching anything that is not. I don't know if it's the schooling that teaches you this god awful way of living or what. It's not normal or healthy.
Not really, BUT if you go around claiming you are the best or can compare to the best, be ready to back it up.
good for you, pat yourself on the back for helping the community. You helped me too. I now know not to buy LED lighting if I want top shelf weed. Led has it's place, but unfortunately, it isn't on that top shelf.
It must suck for you to not be able to grow. All I hear from you is a bunch of shit and I still have not yet seen any pics from you and you have your profile blocked so I can't see any of your threads I wonder why. But I think I know why and it's because you can't grow
It must suck for you to not be able to grow. All I hear from you is a bunch of shit and I still have not yet seen any pics from you and you have your profile blocked so I can't see any of your threads I wonder why. But I think I know why and it's because you can't grow
here we go AGAIN, I went there before, i posted the pics and then got shut down. IT ISN"T ABOUT ME, QUIT TRYING TO MAKE IT SO.
I posted a 12 gram nugg, then I got a bunch of bullshit and guys posting pics of there scissors, and rollie say I was showing off.it's a effin joke with these guys. they can't show quality grown weed, so they have to attack personally. effin hilarious
@REALSTYLES HOW COME YOU DON"T HAVE A PIC OF YOUR BUD DRIED AND CURED????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@REALSTYLES HOW COME YOU DON"T HAVE A PIC OF YOUR BUD DRIED AND CURED????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Because it's gone lol and I saw that 12g bud pic and it looked wet when you weighed it no where near dry
Seriously? Do we need to clog up the man's thread with this clown show?

I'd like to see him get another COB or four added to his setup so it's putting out the PPfD it's supposed to and then do a proper HPS replacement test with Nomad.

Nothing else is going to get the necessary results from an actual head to head.
Seriously? Do we need to clog up the man's thread with this clown show?

I'd like to see him get another COB it for on his setup so it's putting out the PPfD is supposed to and then do a proper HPS replacement test with Nomad.

Nothing else is going to get the necessary results from an actual head to head.
just answer 1 question,honestly. what is your opinion of realstyles buds? no bullshit either.
weight doesn"t mean shit if the weed is shit. that is why no cob grower posts pics of their weed when it"s dry. they can post thousands of their build of the light and pics of it just trimmed and chopped. but the camera suddenly breaks when the dry and cure is done.lol