(High) question!! What came first, the weed plant or the seed??


You didn't make it past 2nd grade, did you? Rode the short bus?

Made it all the way through college ya feel me. You come on here just to talk out hand, then you can keep it moving! Thats 2nd grade talk you doing. I hate it thats its alway a few ppl that just gotting come in talk ish.


Basically geological and anthropological history have proven evolution. Some of you simply did not evolve or have not finished yet. Did God create that little popgun you have?

In that case some of us are more evolved then you are!
Why you think you need to add your 1 cent in then talk ish right after?
Dont understand you ppl like that. If it gets to you that bad that ppl have beliefs in things then dont say ish