high temps in my tents

I am a first time grower, and I just transplanted my seedlings in to their veg tent. I am running 400MH in an air cooled reflector. I put two 8in fans to get air circulation, but i am using CO2 so my fan/filter are on the outside of the tent. The temps blasted up over a 104 degrees with the tent shut. I was able to cool them down by opening the tent, but I was looking for a more permanent fix. I also plan to convert to a 600HPS for flowering. Any advice would be great.


Well-Known Member
Where's your hot air going? Are you exhausting it outside of the space the tent is located?


Well-Known Member
How hot is the room the tent is in? BTW, fans don't cool air, they move/circulate air. Air conditioners cool air.


Active Member
Hey man I've done the same thing your trying to do and it will not work unless the ambient temps outside of the tent where the air is pulled from needs to be cold I'm talkin 60 degrees. And you need to be exhausting the hot air outside or in a attic. I got so sick of heat problems with a closed loop system with a tent that I went back to open loop system and my plants aware thriving better because the temps aren't so high. With high temps you get buds that are airy because they stretch out more in hotter rooms. Cooler rooms get denser fatter nugs.
I was able to stabilize the heat, and get it down to 82.4 F when the lights are on, and subsides to around 77.4 F. My preroom stays at about 74.0F. it is currently too cold outside for me to run my a/c throughout the whole house. I am currently vegging critical kush (BF) blue cheese (BF), blue hash (dinafem), cheese (G13labs), and white lavender. if you have had experience with any of these strains let me know if my above normal temps are going to be ok, or should i buy an a/c unit and get it even colder? I appreciate the feedback.


Well-Known Member
I was able to stabilize the heat, and get it down to 82.4 F when the lights are on, and subsides to around 77.4 F. My preroom stays at about 74.0F. it is currently too cold outside for me to run my a/c throughout the whole house. I am currently vegging critical kush (BF) blue cheese (BF), blue hash (dinafem), cheese (G13labs), and white lavender. if you have had experience with any of these strains let me know if my above normal temps are going to be ok, or should i buy an a/c unit and get it even colder? I appreciate the feedback.
those temps will work ok, especially if you are using the Co2 correctly. ...and one way to cool the ambient in the room the tent is located in is just open a window, ...i personally run a window ac in the summer and i leave an open window in the winter, ...i control the temps by how much i leave the window open, lol.

...btw, can you post up some pics of your op? ...maybe a chart of your air-flow pattern? ...what fan/filter combo are you using?...a single 400 in a 4 x 4 should be easy to cool, ...have you considered barebulb vertical? ...you'd be surprised how easy it is to cool a vertical op and all while increasing your canopy almost incrementally, ...way more efficient use of light.


joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I had temp problems with my 1000 hps. I cracked the bedroom window that the tent is in about 1 to 2 inches and placed box fan in front blowing in. Small intake fan in lower portion of my tent pulling in that cold outside air. Now my temps run about 74 lights on and dip below 60 during dark. Setting it so that your lights are on at night will help. I live in SD so it gets a little cold here but I am using a spare bedroom so it doesn't bother anyone. All of this on top of my cool tube reflector.


Well-Known Member
I was able to stabilize the heat, and get it down to 82.4 F when the lights are on, and subsides to around 77.4 F. My preroom stays at about 74.0F. it is currently too cold outside for me to run my a/c throughout the whole house. I am currently vegging critical kush (BF) blue cheese (BF), blue hash (dinafem), cheese (G13labs), and white lavender. if you have had experience with any of these strains let me know if my above normal temps are going to be ok, or should i buy an a/c unit and get it even colder? I appreciate the feedback.
Those temps are good if you're using CO2. On the high side if not, but you could still get a good harvest if you're just growing for yourself.
heres a look inside. DSCN1308.jpg3 plants on left are some bag seeds i wanted to practice with before i busted open my good seeds. The rest are Critical Kush and and Blue Cheese. DSCN1307.jpgone of my tents. Will post pic of entire setup when i go to flower.


Well-Known Member
What is the size of your exhaust fan? size of tent?
I like bozo's request for additional information. Based on what you have told us, I might lean improving your exhaust prior to adding AC.
You are at a bit of disadvantage pushing air through your filter. You utilize more surface area on your filter if you pull air through the filter rather than exhaust through the filter. You will need to monitor the odor of your exhaust to ensure your are not exceeding the exhaust rate of filter. If this tent is just for vegging, you have a little more flexibility assuming low odor from plants.
I apologize, i have 2 4x4's and a 2x2. I have a vortex fan (8 inches). My filter is a giant. Its is also upstairs. I have got the problem fixed as winter hit very hard. Thanks for all the feedback.