High times cannabis cup in Flint July 26th-27th

Seems like a lot of show activity for 1 state. Is MI particularly active with these events?
Seems like a lot of show activity for 1 state. Is MI particularly active with these events?
As far as the HighTimes Cups, we tried it a few years back in Detroit but from what I have seen and heard about it, it was a joke. I heard and saw videos about the D.P.D. shaking down the vendors and causing all kinds of problems.

There are lots of MMJ events here in Michigan though. Every year @ a place called The Roostertail we have the annual Michigan Medical Marijuana Expo and so far it has been going on for 4 years I believe. It's never quite as grand of a scale as the High Times Medical Cup was a few weeks ago but it's a great expo still. There is no medicating allowed at the event but there is a re-purposed school bus that shuttles MMJ patients over to a medicating facility. I never went to the facility but I've heard from a couple people who did that it was pretty awesome.

Then theres the MMMR Conference a couple times a year. I've never been to one but I was told by the person who invited me that it is a pretty awesome event for our movement. Not sure exactly how it compares to the MMM Expo at The Roostertail or the HTMCC but the guy has some decent standards for what a good Michigan cannabis related event should be. Afterall, he did win 1st place in the HTMCC CBD category with his Cannatonic #4 and he is an excellent person all overall so I trust his judgement enough to drive more than an hour away to attend. The next conference is coming up soon. I think it's scheduled to happen on the last week of August in Traverse City or Grand Rapids, not sure which city will happen on which day but I do know that both cities have a MMMR conference scheduled. About time to start a thread for it I suppose.
As far as the HighTimes Cups....................start a thread for it I suppose.

Here is the link for the MMMRC website: http://www.mmmrmag.com/conference.html

Looks like I was wrong, it's not in Traverse City this month, it's in Acme, MI but hey, close enough right?

Anybody planning on attending? I will start a thread for it in a few minutes here....

EDIT: Nevermind starting a new thread. Just noticed The Man already started one. I really should start visiting the Michigan sub-forum more often.
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Interviews with Belle, then Max from across international, then Austin from Terpp Extractors all in a row. How fucking cool.
We met Austin in Denver and this fucking guy answered every extract question I've had. Picture a bunch of us, higher than all
fuck standing around an mkIII terpinator saying OMG. WTF. over and over.
Austin walked us through the entire process through phone and text!!! Great dude, great company. :clap:
Here's an excerpt I'm typing from my cell:

Austin: That might work as long as the hose still has it's depression core for the Schrader valve.
Me: Fuck. None of us understood what you just said. Lmao
Austin: It's OK. ......

The guy has patience. lmao. That wasn't even about the extractor, that was prepping the storage tank for the n-butane.
Too funny. That's one smart dude. Max from Across International wasn't much help with the ovens though. They don't have
any info on temps or times, they say to look online through threads. Cool dude, knows the ovens real good, just not an
extracts professional.