Interviews with Belle, then Max from across international, then Austin from Terpp Extractors all in a row. How fucking cool.
We met Austin in Denver and this fucking guy answered every extract question I've had. Picture a bunch of us, higher than all
fuck standing around an mkIII terpinator saying OMG. WTF. over and over.
Austin walked us through the entire process through phone and text!!! Great dude, great company.

Here's an excerpt I'm typing from my cell:
Austin: That might work as long as the hose still has it's depression core for the Schrader valve.
Me: Fuck. None of us understood what you just said. Lmao
Austin: It's OK. ......
The guy has patience. lmao. That wasn't even about the extractor, that was prepping the storage tank for the n-butane.
Too funny. That's one smart dude. Max from Across International wasn't much help with the ovens though. They don't have
any info on temps or times, they say to look online through threads. Cool dude, knows the ovens real good, just not an
extracts professional.