High Times Cannabis Cup Raided By Police In Amsterdam

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Yea but if held in cali it would turn into a med patient accessible only cup. I'm a patient but I think it defeats the purpose of he cup somewhat. Well maybe not the purpose but some of the allure. Sad sad day. Just five years ago so many doors were opening. Seems they are all slamming closed now wtf....

Matt Rize

Yea but if held in cali it would turn into a med patient accessible only cup. I'm a patient but I think it defeats the purpose of he cup somewhat. Well maybe not the purpose but some of the allure. Sad sad day. Just five years ago so many doors were opening. Seems they are all slamming closed now wtf....
At the HT cup in SF you had to be a med patient to get into the 215 area, where all the ganj was.


Well-Known Member
people should start to learn to protest unpeacefully, a full scale attack by all attendees at the same time would have been appropriate, goverments bargain on and budget for small scall peacefull resistance the way a shopping chain budgets for shoplifting.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Gays and queers fought for their rights, it is time we start being more than fags
I've never seen violent homosexuals assaulting officers of the law to get equal rights for marriage... I'm not saying it has never happened... but I've never heard of it...

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I think that the Occupy did it right they sat down and got pepper sprayed. It was a violent act upon peaceful citizens and it made a statement. We need to make the same kind of statement somehow.

I'm not saying we should volunteer to be pepper sprayed.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Cup was AWESOME! The mayor forced the move of venues, so that's not the reason. People were giving out weed at the show and you can't do that. People have a limit of 5g, people were over that. Not sure why they made a big fuss now, but they were definitely trying to scare tourists a little. Amsterdam is not just about this one event, its cool to go there no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Since the elections shit has been going sideways over there, maybe time to hold it in Vancouver. Anyone know of some 420 friendly places? MY vote is Montreal they have some fine ladies there and great dope and you can buy beer anywhere.
Montreal is a real renaissance town. Very liberal. Quebec isn't exactly thriving economically either, so it might get a warm reception.

Also, there are TONNES of smoking hot girls :) And they are also very liberated :lol:bongsmilie:joint::eyesmoke::lol:


Well-Known Member
They are not making Amsterdam user friendly, now, are they? They made it illegal for tourists to partake of MJ Cafes, so why go there now? I'm sure they will feel the pinch from the loss of tourism, eventually. Personally, I'd prefer somewhere else like... Vancouver, Seattle, Ann Arbor, anywhere in CA.
All of those places have a lot more things to do other than smoke weed as well. The west coast is incredible.


Well-Known Member
Gays and queers fought for their rights, it is time we start being more than fags
I understand the sentiment, but peaceful protest is very successful too. You simply have to be willing to sacrifice everything. Emery is a hell of a dude IMO. He's pulling a Ghandi.

Aside from this, comments such as the above are the exact kind that will get all kinds of people in trouble and put this board under more intense scrutiny.