High Times – Dissolved Oxygen by SIRIUS J · FRI MAY 22, 2015

J Henry

Active Member
Grow Hack: 5 Facts About Dissolved Oxygen http://www.hightimes.com/read/grow-hack-5-facts-about-dissolved-oxygenBy Sirius J · Tue May 05, 2015

Serious J links this article to new equipment that oxygenates RDWC and POT cultures with pure 100% oxygen produced with simple electrolysis, and then explains why air and aerators don’t work very well when safe DO is essential.

High Buy: The O2 Grow http://www.hightimes.com/read/high-buy-o2-growBy Sirius J · Tue May 05, 2015

The O2 Grow system http://www.o2grow.com/store uses electricity to deliver pure oxygen right into your reservoir, not just an aquarium bubbler reformatted for a hydro reservoir. This unique product uses electrolysis to oxygenate water for increased plant growth. HIGH TIMES did a side-by-side test of the O2 Grow and a traditional air stone bubbler, and found it provided 26% more dissolved oxygen (DO). For making compost teas you need a supply of oxygen as well, or else the bad anaerobic bacteria will take over.

Regardless of whether a bubble diffuser is cheap or expensive and high tech, it will always have one major limiting factor: air is only about 21% oxygen gas; nitrogen comprises the rest, with just a touch of argon.

Putting It To the Test

To test the O2 Grow we filled a little fish tank with 420 cubic inches of reverse osmosis filtered water at 77 °F. A DO meter from Hanna Instruments measured the water at 7.8 mg/L of DO, or 92% saturation for that temperature. We put an O2 Grow 2020 http://www.o2grow.com/store $1199.00 into the tank and turned it on. As soon as all the little bubbles started to form on the plate the Hanna meter read an increase in DO, and it steadily climbed until it reached 8.3 mg/L after only a minute and a half.

Designed to oxygenate five gallons of water in three hours, we ran the O2 Grow for 42 minutes in our 420 cubic inches of water, a rough scale-down. With the device still running the DO meter read anywhere between 11.2 mg/L and 13.5 mg/L. After it was turned off the water was 131% saturated with 11.1 mg/L of oxygen. 20 minutes later the water still had almost the same level of oxygen.

Now how about that Serious J writer, “Grow Hack”… is he on point in May 2015 piece or what?

How and where in the world does Serious J come up with all this new oxygenation concept and equipment and then he writes about it in High Times?


PLEASE don't ever buy nothing through the mag, of high times they turned over there orders that people bought thrue them to THE FEDS AND THAT IS A FACT no guess work I even will not buy there mag, ever again.hope this help some people out to not get busted.