Oxygen generator vs air stone? Concepts and DIY approaches.

Come to find out, huffing, topically applying, or even drinking infused beverages of HHO aka browns gas is some kind of health miracle! Spending time in the grow room with DWC O2 emitters isn't enough to cause any 'plosions, but might it be enough to have noticeable therapeutic benefits to not only gardener, but also the plants health?
If you put epson salt in water and do electeolisis you will make sulfuric acid....

Brown gas comes from "clean water" but nutrient water has soo many cemicals that make soo many gasess...

Allsoo all the food plants need will now be in a mess because of the electrolisis spliting stuff
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You can separate the cell with a special membrane so it splits the hydrogen side from the oxygen side. Maybe you could keep only the oxygen producing side as the main reservior, and have the hydrogen cathode part of the cell on the outside of the res with the membrane in between. Perhaps most of the byproducts would only happen outside the res?