High wattage CFL?


Well-Known Member
ive been searching this site up and down for CFL grows but all the info ive found is on those little 12 to 20 watt lights.

I am currentally growing 3 plants on 2 125 watt cfls and im wondering if that is enough light to keep them growing. yes i said 125 watts. the light is almost a foot tall. plus i have my old t12 with some new gro lux lights in there to help it along. i havent done an indoor grow before so im not to sure as to weather or not add more lights or just keep the 2 125's and the two 40 watt growlux above the plants.


Active Member
u could use more light,...but ive seen dank plants off one 50w cfl...happy growing! i think ur all good on 2 125w cfls


Well-Known Member
u could use more light,...but ive seen dank plants off one 50w cfl...happy growing! i think ur all good on 2 125w cfls
thats good.. cause ive been growing them for about 2 weeks and there already about a foot high with 3 sets of leaves. one is AMS (anti mold system) and the other i think is skunk #1.


Well-Known Member
im useing the same cfl you have only i have one and its got 4 kids to look after lol ..start a grow journal with pics youll get more help and info


Well-Known Member
The bud only comes out airy from the groer doing a poor job. CFLS will grow nice tight buds as long as you know what your doing. Keep them close and keep you canopy even. Here something you might be able to do with your old t12s. Its called overdriving them, it makes them brighter.


Well-Known Member
thats good.. cause ive been growing them for about 2 weeks and there already about a foot high with 3 sets of leaves. one is AMS (anti mold system) and the other i think is skunk #1.
sounds like you've got your light too far away, a two week old plant with 3 sets of leaves shouldn't be a foot tall, maybe 1/3 that.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I use the same bulbs for vegging my plants.I have two 125w and a 200w one.Keep them a inch above the plants at all times,i do not move my light till the plant has grown into it.I keep the big one on top and the other two hanging down lower on the sides.I also rotate my plants once a day so all of the plant gets equal light.
If you can afford a hps for flowering,get one.You will not believe the difference it will make to the buds.Yes i have grown all the way with cfls and was dissapointed.Now i have two 150w hps i use with my cfls for flowering and will not go back.OPH

Brick Top

New Member
ive been searching this site up and down for CFL grows but all the info ive found is on those little 12 to 20 watt lights.

I am currentally growing 3 plants on 2 125 watt cfls and im wondering if that is enough light to keep them growing. yes i said 125 watts. the light is almost a foot tall. plus i have my old t12 with some new gro lux lights in there to help it along. i havent done an indoor grow before so im not to sure as to weather or not add more lights or just keep the 2 125's and the two 40 watt growlux above the plants.

Very few people, particularly here, use actual CFL grow lights like you do and instead use the penny ante nickel and dime home improvement store/WalMart home/room light bulbs.

The answer to your question is basically dependant on what you are trying to achieve/match when it comes to using CFL’s to equal HID lighting. Check out the image below. It will give you an idea of what is needed to match the light output of a 400-watt HPS using CFL’s.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing with a 200 watt 2700k CFL (Envirolite) and I have 10x 20watt CFL's dotted around the plants, as near to the buds as I can get them without burning the leaves. Usually between 1 and 2 inches.

Oh ya growing two White widow.

If you plant is a foot tall after two weeks, you lights are too far away. Growing with CFL's you want to keep you plany small and bushey.
Because when iy comes to flowering you plant will at least double in size, and you won't be able to get enough light to the lower part of your plant. CFL's usable light is only good for a few inches.

I'm no pro, my first grow. But I've read lots. Take a look at my journal. I'm a few weeks into flower.
Should be more developed buds by now. But I fucked up my timer and ended up going from 12/12 to 14/10 and didn't notice for a week.


Well-Known Member
my last grow i grew 4 lowryders under 2 125 watt 6400k for 4 weeks then 2 125 watt 2700k for a following 5 weeks got 13.5 grams per plant. the buds were nicely compact aswell and the smoke was also nice. so you should have no problem growing with 2 125watt cfls keep them close to the plant at all times about 1 or 2 inches.

heres a pic of the 4 lowryders

