High Yielding Strain


Active Member
what are a couple high yielding strains? preferably sativa but i know most high yielding strains are indica


Active Member
thats fine that it grows tall cause i am planing on LSTing my plants, ive never heard of chocolope, have you personally smoked it?


Active Member
come on guys i know you guys have to ave more strains in mind. i need to find out what to grow for my next harvest


Active Member
Casey Jones yielded good for a friend. Didn't smoke it but I've heard good things. It's trainwreck, east coast sour diesel and Thai. Alot of the yield depends on Dialing in your medium.


Active Member
have you guys growin these and had first hand exprience with growing these strains or did you guys read somewhere or heard that these strains are good

Charlie Who?

Active Member
have you guys growin these and had first hand exprience with growing these strains or did you guys read somewhere or heard that these strains are good
I had great yeild from one of four C-99 from X-Line seeds /the attitude. 6 oz off her. However, the other 3 yeilded 3,3 and 4.

It isnt just the strain...it's the pheno, too. Make clones of each plant and IF you find one high yeilder, you have a Mother to make cuttings from forever.

Ive also had pretty good yeilds from White Widow.
