Highest tap water EC youve come across


Well-Known Member
Thamn im setting a up a new place and as RO machine instalation was undertaken i came to find the tap water was at 1.1 EC. Id come across 0.8 before, bet never dreamt it could be over 1 EC... I actually thought this has to be the drain water from the RO lol
This in Catalunya Spain. Let us know the highest ecs and their geographical affiliation youve come across.
Whitney Tx had 480ppm's and was very soft and tasted good

But Dallas is by far the shittiest. It was only 200 ppm's but smelled like dead bodys, methane gas and bleach even after RO. :spew:
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SouthLake Tx was at 20 ppm and tasted awesome..

Greeley's water is very close to 0 and smells and taste great too
the bleach smell is more than likely chloramine chlorine and ammonia if your smelling it strongly... 200ppm isn't bad most city is around that 170-200 some higher.
20 ppm is really amazing.. thats pretty dang clean.. we are in the ann arbor area generally we are 120ish
It's fucked up in poor black neighborhoods water is always shitty. In rich white neighborhoods water is always clean.
It's fucked up in poor black neighborhoods water is always shitty. In rich white neighborhoods water is always clean.
yeah wait a few weeks they are just now coming out about detroit theres a bunch of places in detroit with high lead levels now too
its been on the news here lately but nothing national yet.. I'm sure its coming ... I've heard theres a lot more than anyone knows in the US many many lower income larger cities water is having the same crisis just nothing has came forward... we wouldn't know about flint if the car production plants didn't have to stop using the water cause it was fuckig up their machines.. thats really what started the whole thing.. the residents and city of flint have been trying to get this to the forefront for a while.
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Had .9 from tap water in Chula Vista California (pretty much Mexico).

Where I'm at now has 0.0 ec and 20 ppm on the .5 scale. A little better me thinks.
Had .9 from tap water in Chula Vista California (pretty much Mexico).

Where I'm at now has 0.0 ec and 20 ppm on the .5 scale. A little better me thinks.
20 PPM??????!!!!! u lucky dogg you!! what does your PH come out at? You have to be fairly close to your local water supply thats so low its like your getting the first batch of filtered water in the line every time!:)