highest yielding growing method?

scrog, sog, hydro scrog, potted soil, etc. need to get some yield to trade for equipment. in someones opinion that has experimented with many types of methods please no first timers!


Well-Known Member
The best way to recieve a High yield is through Tender Loving Care.
If you pay attention to your plants and give them the care they need, they will flower beautifully.
If you treat them like THC ATM's then you will get a bunch of crappy bud.

Every strain is different, and by different I mean different techniques will induce higher yields.
Some strains respond well to topping, other strains like growing all natural.

Soil vs Hydro
Soil is very forgiving, and very natural. Most people on this forum agree that Soil grown bud tastes/looks better.
Hydro is very unforgiving, and very easy to screw up badly on. And usually grows very vigorously, which could easily outgrow your space.

All in all you'll need the proper education to pull off your goals, so you need to read mostly.

The SCROG method simply induces the plant to grow one flat canopy, which is easier to light, which means better efficiency of bulbs and the plants catch more light, making more growth. Also the plant won't focus so much on strengthening branches, because the screen will hold them up for it, meaning more energy spent on floral production.
A SOG is simply a bunch of plants crowded together.
If you have questions don't be afraid to ask, most of us are here to help.

How long have you been growing anything, including tomatoes?
How long have you been growing cannabis?
How many successful harvests have you had?

What do you have going on right now?