Highest you have ever been


Well-Known Member
i was 14 i started smokin bout a year b4 that i went up 2 a dude i inew pretty well except i ddn't know he sold, he was all shifty sayin "u kno i can get in sum serious trouble 4 that"
and i was lik "u'd get in trouble if u get caught either way"
after bothering him 4 a while he gave but said this
"this aint kno ordinary weed, this here is called zoner ok after u hit it u gonna wanna do sumthin but stay put, and remeber: u didn't get it frm me"
so after buyin a dime me and 2 friends one who looked alot oder than he was got 2 blunts and a black he ad been smokin a black b4 and we shared the rest, b4 that i never really knew a what toacco did and i thought it was pointless smoking it but this time i got so relaxed it scared me so after they rolled two blunts we hit one after another and the high just got real racy and i started seeing wolf faces and devils in the stream we were by but i wasn't scared after i could finally get up (the zoner must of been something mixed with ppp people say it feels different to others)
the dude farthest frm said "man i wanna do sumthin" i think he was puttin n a little but me and the other guy were really fucked up, we had 2 jump a fence 2 get back we just sat talkin well everyone except me i was so fucked it i was just in awe of my high i was havng knee jerk reactions and i was so hot i was pouring sweat i was paranoid it felt like i was lookin down on myself cuz of how high i was, when i figured how to walk again, i felt like everyone was watching me but MAN i had the munchies i had 2 get some chips and cookies at the gas staion and ate um outside 2 hide frm the fam when i got in side i just sat dwn and watched t.v


New Member
surprisingly not a lot of "bad drugs" have immediate side effects, it usually takes days of reoccurring use to get the side effects


Well-Known Member
K, here goes... i was 13 years old and a freshman in highschool. My mother was always an avid weed smoker(but she also graduated from Cal Berkeley in the 80's and 90's so she's not dumb...) and i was always aware cuz she was honest. she alwayz told me i would know when it was the right time to smoke...now i have had friends that smoked since i was about 10...so i think that by the time i was 13 i was able to handle it...

I walked into my friends house and into his room without knocking, as is custom in the suburbs...and when i did an exhale of beautiful smoke slapped me in the face rather offensively....i knew then it was time...no words were spoken...i was handed the bong, and i ripped it quite moderately. I held it in for about 10 seconds as i was instructed to do...and it was instant satisfaction!!!!!!! it was like i had experienced a MILLION epiphinies at once....everything became so clear...the room was filled with experienced smokers who were almost amazed at the site of the kid with the Weed mom takin his first hit....i quite honestly lost tracked of the next 4 hours.... coinsidentally this was also my first cross joint...see my friends were all skaters who got high and skated...thats all...half of em dropped out of highschool(im currently in college...) and were alwayz willing to explore new things. If you've seen the movie pinnaple express, or just youtube it..either way..cross joints are real! and they really do just WREK your bodie... anywayz bak to the story!!
-4 hours later-
its night fall, and the munchies have well settled in...me and 4 of my bestest friends are bombing down and empty back road towards the nearest mcdonalds, and i swear on my last dime sack i felt like i was flying... in near gayity, the entire group began flapping their wings and flying to mikky D's...it was great...when i arrived there there was an unusually long line of people...all i can remember from there was lying on my stomach on my skateboard and scooting around screaming "IM A BEACHED WHALE!!!IM A BEACHED WHALE!!"
-end of story....



Active Member
hmmm.....thats, uh, interesting......

the time i was most fucked off weed i was really bored by myself around the time that i first started smoking and just got sooooo high, i thought i was going to die, but i made sure not to freak out...

the time i was most fucked period, i was blacked out drunk, had smoked 2 huge blunts of some really good white widow, and while i was blacked out i took 3 hits of acid that i was supposed to be saving......the details of how fucked i was would be too long for me to type here, but the first thing i remember after blacking out was being on a golf course talking to people at about 8 am and walking miles and miles home from there.....

mr thc

Well-Known Member
First time I got high...probably 2nd or 3rd time smoking it...can't remember...I got the laughies bad...had a 5 hour trip and I swear, call me a liar, but I swear I laughed for at least four hours....practically continuous...maybe a 5 second breather through it...everything was funny. And another time I smoked weed all day, not that great stuff, decided to kick into my stash of G-13....some bubble hash on every bowl, and smoked .5 bowls until I couldn't see two feet in front of my face... Then I had an energy drink and went for a nature walk...and man...I was in tune with nature that I felt when I breathed the trees breathed...and all this shit that was so deep and so intense that I forget it..I was meditating lol...or something.