
Well-Known Member
There is some stuff about Kindseed on cannabisculture.com

I hear they do a good job.

I just made a trade on another website and will be getting some BlueBerry and NL#5 from HGS. I have never grown any of his strains, but I am excited to get some in my garden.


Well-Known Member
I sent Highgrade seeds $150 by FEDEX on Friday 9/19 and FEDEX shows they left the envelope at the front door today. CASH left at the front door at 12 noon today. I have sent emails and have received no reply yet. Maybe they took a day off???


Well-Known Member
I sent Highgrade seeds $150 by FEDEX on Friday 9/19 and FEDEX shows they left the envelope at the front door today. CASH left at the front door at 12 noon today. I have sent emails and have received no reply yet. Maybe they took a day off???
jeez, give them a minute to open there mail. it took them 2 days to let me know it arrived. is there a fire? :mrgreen::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member


wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Oh please!! "The customer is always right???!" What bullshit is that. Read some posts on this site and see if you think the people are always right. You think some jack off on the street knows as much about what you do for a living as you do? Take whatever you do for a living and your personal experience, then ask yourself if you want some half wit telling you what you "should" be doing. This Hotboy character was being a complete dick from the start. He was antagonistic to begin with then resorted to threatening when he didn't get his way. By the way as has been stated several times by others, what you are buying is illegal in most places so you're going to have to assume all the risk when it comes to orders and deliveries. Tell ya what, next time you go to the bank to withdraw money tell em you need them to stay open until 8PM becuase you have to work late and see what they tell you. Afterall it's your money and they should give it to you when you want it right. Otherwise they're giving you "poor customer service". This customer is always right bullshit goes hand in hand with the instant gratification syndrome we're dealing with in this world where everyone is beginning to think they should have everything anytime they want. Go back and live with your mom if you want to remain a baby for the rest of your life you FUCKING IDIOT!!


Active Member
Thanks for the rant Highgrade.

ps I do agree with much of what you said, but not the nasty stuff. You might consider trying some marijuana cigarettes for your hypertension.


Active Member
I've been extremely happy with their service (I didn't ask any questions).

Sent my cash xpresspost on the 17th, they received it on the 19th, confirmed to me that night they received it and then I got my beans today. Can't get angry at that! 7 days in total.

I ordered Cluster Bomb, can't wait to see what kinda lollipopping I can get out of these girls :clap:


Well-Known Member
yeah it sounds like ur just a dumb ass... hotboy265? even that screen name sounds pretty weird. why would you start shit with a seed bank?


Active Member
Quite frankly, I am saddened that buisness is done this way. When i do buisness, I make sure everyone feels at home and likes to be doing said buisness. For one person to badmouth another in such a way is not how civilized persons act.
If you are a grown man, you stand up, walk over, and handle your buisness with another grown man. You do not post on public forums to suit your agenda. If he is crooked, call him out, in a manner befitting. Dont come to a public forum and talk slanted viewed bs that will make poeple suscpicious of you and your agenda.
I also feel that if you are not truthful and he is not screwing anyone, then you are hurting someones buisness, his livleyhood. That is not right.
I /agree this.

Hotboy, its people like you that make the world the shit hole it currently is. plz die.


Well-Known Member
I like the looks of Purple Cindy, White Russian, and the Blueberry.

Any grow reports yet?

That Purple Cindy grow from Smoove was just awesome. I wish I could have that coffee cup pic as my screen saver at work, but not sure how well that would go.:weed:


Well-Known Member
old thread i l now but hey i ordered hindu kush and cluster bomb from hgs and they arrived and i found them friendly and ready to help.

i even tried to annoy them a bit but to no avail they answered all my silly questions politely .

so they will definitely get more of my money.
great job hgs...:-)


Active Member
old thread i l now but hey i ordered hindu kush and cluster bomb from hgs and they arrived and i found them friendly and ready to help.

i even tried to annoy them a bit but to no avail they answered all my silly questions politely .

so they will definitely get more of my money.
great job hgs...:-)

Ordered the Super Mix on the 15th, went with the slowest shipping both ways, they got the payment 10 days later (annoyed them with n00b questions worrying about them not accepting my payment, which they reassured me there'd be no problem), got my beans 9 days later (about 19 days total), and have three of them germinating on a warming pad as we speak :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this was a thread started by either a really stupid kid or a competitor. That's why you have to take all posts with a grain of salt. And not just from new posters either. The good corporate bloggers/posters have hundreds if not thousands of accounts all over the place started at different times so they may look like they have been on a site for months or years but they are just a corp. shill.


Active Member
got some gear about 2 years ago one of them, think it was electric fruit punch was pure killer. did not clone well though. most of the stuff was ok. had some problems with hermies with the hindu kush..had to throw it all out. in general they are good people, sure they have problems ..who doesn't? try the electric..find the stinkiest pheno..and enjoy..it is up there in the upper 10% range of better shit. on the other hand for all around performance..although they are pricier..drgreenthumbs genetics are all from country of origin, and are more potent and easy to work with. try the endless sky...millenium bud...and mantanuska thunderfuck..you will be glad you did..it all kicks serious ass. roll em lester


Active Member
The OP made me nervous when this thread started so I split my seed purchase between HighGrade Seeds and a seed bank in Europe so that all my “eggs” weren’t in one basket. From HGS got Northern Lights #5 and Black Queen. Wish I would have gotten everything from HighGrade now, the genetics are unbelievable. No problem with the transaction.

Here is one of the Black Queens after only 14 days of flower-

If I purchase any more seeds in the future it will be from High Grade.