Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Oh MY those purple buds look delicious!!!
Lets hope they smoke as good as they smell lol. I'm thinking prolly ; !)

I wish I had some of that ready to smoke!!! so pretty!

My Romulan popped yesterday :) Still no sign of the Zhar. :/
My friend in the bayou! Whats up!! Great news about the Rom bro, I think yours may be the first of the new generation of Romulans up. Nice job!

Hey thought you would want to read this....

when your about to stop reading, keep reading it gets more interesting.
Thanks aveiaana, I downloaded it and I'll read it at work...I skimmed it a bit but I have to roll here pretty quick. I usually have to read things a couple of times for some reason lol to absorb it. Later!

Nice stuff HC, lets see some pics when it is cured and dry?? Hope you enjoyed the shake of milkyness. Peace, DST
Absolutley D and yes, the shake was worth the drive. I was like John Travolta in Pulp Fiction " I gotta see what this 5 dollar milkshake taste like" lol cepten I wasn't all fooked up on heroin haha, just DOG hehe

looks like a bowl of fresh cut roses man. deeeelish
Haha...black roses man! And smells delicous too!!

gotta bump the prettiness for the long pagers, outstanding >>:joint:
Thanks for the bumb my friend :)

No ladder work today....was stretching before bed and this morning feels like a torn cartilage in my left knee. And thats the good one haha. Catch ya later Westy!!


Well-Known Member
Gorgeous buds HC! Definitely have to let us know how she smoked.

Here's a shot of my C4x seedling. She's a little over a month I believe and almost ready to be cloned then flowered. Can't wait to see what she does!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
My romulant is twice as big as my br, they are atleast a two weel atm, but for an old strain, rom is moving fast.
Whats happenin T. Forgot about your roms man lol...my list is usually in my head. I have only sent out 3 pacs of Romulan,,,Tip Top, you and Psychild. There! Now it's down in black and white!! Thinking there are a lot of orders going out on Friday, I'll touch base with everyone first.


Well-Known Member
My friend in the bayou! Whats up!! Great news about the Rom bro, I think yours may be the first of the new generation of Romulans up. Nice job!
Sweet! Lol it's so tiny...the stem is almost thicker than the first set atm :P

I put a dome over the soil that I planted the Calizhar in, because I figured maybe it just wasn't moist enough to pop the seed. That was about 4 days ago, and still hadn't seen anything when I opened up the veg box this morning. I decided to take a look in the soil to see if it was gonna fail, or if it was taking forever. Sure enough as soon as I started digging the seed popped up...it was laying on it's side on the top of the soil I mixed around, so I thought I'd give it a tiny shove. Lol well the seed was a good one √√ and I completely uprooted it, but in all fairness it was the most delicate re-pot ever. I'll let you know if it makes it through the soil in the next day or so. Thanks!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
well i got my tent back up in my living room now yay
NICE!!! Westy is back in the saddle :) Did you do the dance : ?)

Got my leg elevated and iced right now...easy day tomorrow too and then a little time off

edit,,,only one thing wrong. I'm in the living room and the coffee pot is in the kitchen. Bubbler full of hash is within arms reach though hehe

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Sweet! Lol it's so tiny...the stem is almost thicker than the first set atm :P

I put a dome over the soil that I planted the Calizhar in, because I figured maybe it just wasn't moist enough to pop the seed. That was about 4 days ago, and still hadn't seen anything when I opened up the veg box this morning. I decided to take a look in the soil to see if it was gonna fail, or if it was taking forever. Sure enough as soon as I started digging the seed popped up...it was laying on it's side on the top of the soil I mixed around, so I thought I'd give it a tiny shove. Lol well the seed was a good one √√ and I completely uprooted it, but in all fairness it was the most delicate re-pot ever. I'll let you know if it makes it through the soil in the next day or so. Thanks!
Haha to funny! After they are a few days old, they can take their share of abuse but before that.....they are quite fragile lol. Are you keeping within some sort of legal parimeter of number of plants. If not then I would say start a half dozen or more and flower them just a little sooner and in smaller containers and look for a keeper mom to clone


Well-Known Member
Poppin in to say whats up between shifts @ work. Rest that leg bro! Sounds like the weather is gonna give you a couple days off too!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks CLove I appreciate that. I have an easy day tomorrow and then some time off...this storm is supposed to blow over and be beautiful for the rest of the week. Hey I'm flipping my Ice x Caseyband plants this week. Nine of them I think :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nice! Sounds like my C4x will be a week or two behind your IceX's. Wish I could run 9.... haha
It will get interesting when some of them start showing girl parts. They have recovered from their intial stretch which was more due to me being lazy and letting them veg in the windows lol

YES!!! Just had a brainstorm...ran down to the freezer for my Black Rose pollen and could not find it at first...had cleaned out the freezer recently and was about to kick myself in the ass when I found it, kinda hidden under stuff! This run is at 3 wks hehe, pretty easy to figure out which strain is going to be part of my newest creation. That's all I am going to say about that ; !)....for now. Hope the pollen is viable!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
My romulant is twice as big as my br, they are atleast a two weel atm, but for an old strain, rom is moving fast.
Hey man! That's a bit odd because the Rom is short and bushy and both the BR and the Caseyband Like to reach upwards quite a bit....good 2.5 x. And the Rom seeds that I was gifted, to do this breeding project with, were a bit old but the Romulan seeds that you and everyone else gets were bred by me :)


Well-Known Member
Man as soon as I talk to the land lord and find out if we can stay here another year, then I will! You don't care if we cross anything for shits and giggles right? Also, I have a plant that's about 7 weeks out that's in a DWC....as soon as I get that big ass bucket out, I'll have twice the room to grow √√. Had another harvest today...looks like I'll have enough in the stash to last a couple of weeks till next harvest. The hard work's finally starting to pay off :)

edit: and by hard work, I mean patience :eyesmoke: