Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Great pics Psychild! Especially the group shot. And of course the BSB ; !) They look real good brother, appears to be the Sour Bubble pheno your going to like that one man!!

Nothing wrong the dollar store brother, that's one of the places my chick worked while she was unemployed. Funny.... the owner is an old neighbor of mine and she used to babysit my daughter haha. Paid my gal cash very very easy and laid back job. They even sell glass pipes now lol right on the front counter.

...think I have some of aevs tw x es in my seed stash I'll have to check and if I do maybe you can tell me about it later when you have sampled some.


Well-Known Member
Great pics Psychild! Especially the group shot. And of course the BSB ; !) They look real good brother, appears to be the Sour Bubble pheno your going to like that one man!!

Nothing wrong the dollar store brother, that's one of the places my chick worked while she was unemployed. Funny.... the owner is an old neighbor of mine and she used to babysit my daughter haha. Paid my gal cash very very easy and laid back job. They even sell glass pipes now lol right on the front counter.

...think I have some of aevs tw x es in my seed stash I'll have to check and if I do maybe you can tell me about it later when you have sampled some.
Most definitely....I cut off 2 other branches about 2 weeks ago, and smoked them. Very nice back then, I'm sure she'll be a kick in the ass now. √ The only complaint I have with her, is she grows slow, but that could just be the pheno I have. She smells absolutely amazing. I forgot to add this in my update. Whenever I was trimming her up, it was almost like cutting an onion. My eyes started burning a tad and watering, and my noes started burning. It was all a earth skunk smell. Almost like an angel came down and took a doo doo on my plant. √


Well-Known Member
The Lush you have is quite different than what hc has. The smell and taste are enhanced in this generation. their are some sativa leaners in this generation but they finish up quick.
Thanks. He said you made improvements since then.

I was regarding what dizzle said with old school sativas which I assume are the kind that take forever and a day to flower.


Well-Known Member
I want chocolate fried chicken. I think I might be a little bit mixed up.

Dizzle, what's up with your avatar?

There were other comments but I forgot. I hate posting from my phone

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Been good and you? Yep Im selling it, not gonna grow anymore. I quit burnin...gettin tired of the way it makes me feel. What you been up to?
I been alright bro...I did the same thing about 10 yrs ago, i quit for 2 years for the same reasons. If i know anyone thats interested ill pm you.


Well-Known Member
Inbox -> Full.
I'm rediculously embarassed & infuriated to report that I made a stoner mistake..
Sent it to the wierd back door of where that landed, instead of the incoming mail door.
It could have either been stepped on, thrown away, or taken by curious eyes.
Or it will magically show up next week..

But I'm very concerned that it might have been a mission failure..
Thanks a ton for the chance though..


Well-Known Member
Been good and you? Yep Im selling it, not gonna grow anymore. I quit burnin...gettin tired of the way it makes me feel. What you been up to?
That's too bad, Aev, but good that you are being real about it. Shouldn't burn if ya don't like it... that's for sure.

You have an updated list anywhere?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there aev how's it going. Long time man but I figured that you would pop your head in at some point. You picked a good garden to send the fairy to, Ima take good care of your genetics. Next up on my list of yours is the OG x Convict Kush. The Blueberry were regifted to my friend Voidling as I have my own BB cut and a pack of bb beans from The Asshole Seed Collective. I have 2 Whiteberry @ day 28 that are very similiar with no distinct differences and I have 2 BK x MK @ day 49 that are slightly different from each other. Number 1 is just a bit shorter with more smell and a little less yeild. Both plant structures are the same with minor branching until about halfway up and then the buds are tight to a big fat stalk. Both had a nice 2.5 x stretch in flower and the frost is starting to get off the charts. And I really mean off the charts! I was just noticing how insanely triched out they are today when I had them out to water. Even the fan leaves haha, blows the C4 away and maybe even the DOG too in the resin production. I had 2 males also of different phenos and I used them both to pollinate the two BK x MK females to make a few seeds for Tryna. Looking like they have a solid 2 weeks left so that will put them at just over the 10 weeks mark. I'll have another camera soon and I'll be throwing pics up.

Hope things are going well brother and I did the same thing once as far as quitting burning. Did it for 18 yrs...quit, got married, raised a family, got rid of the wife, started burning again and now reliving my youth and loving it lol!!

Talk to ya ; !)


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking I should germ out those bb. If y'all think there's enough light above my fixture to root clones then I have room for them.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking I should germ out those bb. If y'all think there's enough light above my fixture to root clones then I have room for them.
I only use ambient lighting for my cloning chamber pretty much what you have on top of the light but it takes a little longer like a few days to a week. That's not an issue for me I always have a backlog of clones waiting to be flowered. I'm thinking your going to need to rig up a humidity dome of some sort to keep your ro in the 80- 100% range for that first week the cuttings are in there. I would guess that the success rate for getting cutting to root for a beginner is about 50%. Lots of little tips that help though : !)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Just got back from the grow store, it's pretty close less than 10 min away. Picked up some much need soil as there are a shitload of clones that are waiting for bigger pots. The next run going in 2 weeks are 5 BSB, 1 DOG and as many female Cinderella 99s as I end up with. They are starting to show preflowers, I have 9 to work with and the first two to show were males. Down to 7 now.. I'll prolly put my specs on later and see if anymore are showing. They have all been topped and the tops thrown in the chamber and a few are showing roots. Hoping for some girls!