Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
I took a small bud off the bottom at 15 weeks, it was stellar! The top in the picture @ 16.6wks and the rest @ 17. I far from nailed it, I fucked up her feeding early and apparently let her get a dry spot in the the pot! I'm so bad, but shit I haven't done a long flower in a while and 17 weeks is soooo looooooong!

Super floaty euphoric, not racy at all, totally leaning to CG obviously. It's major creeper, about 30 min after you blaze you start floating and depending on your dose potentially tripping a little bit. Just enough body to make it useful medicinally (GI) but no couchlock at all. Haven't got to get down on it yet just the taster. Taste and smell is interesting, it's predominantly CG with that floral/soapy kind of smell but with a sour d kind of funk'nsour whiff. The taste is the same that nice floral inhale with a touch of sour d in the exhale and that taste of CG, like flowers, roasted peanuts and liver or something...... One of those smell/tastes that's really nuanced and hard to describe, like an updated version of what I remember of old school CG.
I've been looking for an hp-13 dominant, not so lucky there.
This miss is making up for my disappointment in that endeavor though. Some jar time will will be exciting for the taste and effect, dried straight out was fantastic.
puff, puff, pass.....


Well-Known Member
at 17 weeks and by appearance i'm guessing it's CG dominant too :) I'd love to do a CG grow the one problem is i wouldn't want to dedicate a whole room to that and i know for sure with the CGs (from reading about it's history) that selection is everything... of course that's the same for most strains :) But I'd hate to grow a plant from seed and then go 17 weeks and end up with an average pheno, which is the most likely outcome. Looks like you got lucky :)


Well-Known Member
Yo bassman! Took these pics for you it's the PK x SAD at day 8. Got another one in there too thats a carbon copy they are monsters lol! Thinking I'll take some cuttings from the momma thats in veg and run them through for a third generation....these should be some pretty weighty plants

Glad you tried her again.
With the genetics I expected more, same with my Tahoe.
U just never know.
I guess the Tahoe could have been my fault, but not sure what I could have done wrong?

I hope this time she is some FIRE!!:fire:


Well-Known Member
The Lemon Candy is in here somewhere, give it another week and you'll be able to spot it just from the colour :)

Everything nice n clean, ready to go back to their home after a rough week getting moved about.

Keep the cave rocking !!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey bongwell what's good bro. I would think that if the others have shown and this one hasn't yet then it's probably a female if they are all the same strain that is. A lot of times the biggest ones are the males though so going to be a crap shoot for a few more days. What strain is it?

the darker green lines on the flower/calyx sometimes means male too so......??


Well-Known Member
Man, all mine from seed are taking their sweet ass time, too. I spotted a Stink Ape that thew some balls. Really nice structure on him... thought it was a she at first. And yes, I'm thinking about doing what you're thinking. ;) Who'd the dam be?


Well-Known Member
Man, all mine from seed are taking their sweet ass time, too. I spotted a Stink Ape that thew some balls. Really nice structure on him... thought it was a she at first. And yes, I'm thinking about doing what you're thinking. ;) Who'd the dam be?
do you have stink ape or stank ape?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Cinders buddy how's it going. Long time man did you just move or something, plants look all good if you did. Nice to see a lot of green in your pad lol. Hey I have been having an issue with all of my plants lately, the leaves have been getting those rust spots like that plant of yours in the front. My ph is fine, a lot of times that rusty leave shit is attributed to a cal/mag deficency which is usually brought on by too low of a ph level in the water/food. I don't think that's my problem, I'm leaning towards too much nutes. I picked up some Earth Juice Catylyst which helps rejuvinate the soil and helps get rid of salt build up. I used to use it but haven't all winter, thinking that will help. Also picked up some Nitrozyme to help up my yeild.

Stop by anytime brother glad to hear your alive and well :)

@ Bassman.....if the PK x SAD yeilds like I think they are going to I'll be happy regardless of how the smoke is but your right, with those genetics it should be some real good smoke. I researched my Pure Skunk and there is no mention of any sort of purple of any kind so I'm thinking GDP must be a cross. That being said all of my 5 skunks have varying degrees of purple stems from partially purple to full out barney purple so it will be interesting to see if any flowers get like that. Going to have to flower them soon so I don't have a big problem with height,,,,Peak says to flower them a couple of weeks after germination to keep the height managable. Yikes lol!

Have a good sunday man!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Too bad your CCM is a dude bobro, just be careful when spluffing though,,,,it's real real REAL easy to seed your entire harvest lol. Pollen seems to have the consistancy of smoke ; !)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm afraid of doing that... leaning towards not. Especially because I've never grown the strain before. If I do anything along breeding lines at some point you can bet it'll be with a paint brush on a select number of flowers. And just for fun, nothing more.

1 CCM left though. So there's a chance. ;)


Well-Known Member
I got tons o' CCMs... 3 for sure females so far (including the biggest/most vigorous)... yay! Would love to hear any knowledge on the CCM going into flower or smoke report... I don't know much about it. I put 10 CCMs into veg so will probably end up with at least 5 or 6 females.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Damn those skunks are quick to root. Seems like I just put them in the chamber a few days ago lol. Fortunately this strain is not supossed to smell skunky, more sweet is what they say.

The CCM was one of dizzles favorites if I REMEMBER CORRECTLY ;)


Well-Known Member
I remember him saying that. ;) ;) Said the thing blew doors off his carbon filter, that CCM. Bongwell, I think it'll be interesting to see how yours turn out, too. Hopefully this next one is a fem. CCM is supposed to be some sort of Kush x. Just Giggle it.


Well-Known Member
Damn. I'd have to do a 17 week plant outside. I'd love to try that stuff though. Last real sativa plant I had made me paranoid to hell.


Well-Known Member
Ye I'm back lol, ive kinda moved but kept old flat. Just had alot of work getting done in there, and a few other thing's to deal with, but still kicking! Because of the hold up, everything has had a longer than usual veg. So looking forward to seeing these one's flower out.

Hope you get thing's back to the row's of colorfull goodness a-sap bru
