Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
You dont wanna a stoner partner... immediately there goes half your profit... lol
420 tolerant is much better than 420 friendly, imho
That is mt girl...she doesnt care about seed as long as I dont drink like I used to or do drugs.
She will smoke with me sometimes, but like I have mentioned b4 she doesnt get high, so it has no pull on her, and she doesnt like coughing and a burning throat to get no effect.
Haha there some words of wisdom. And got a good chuckle from it...bump!

Been out soaking up the rays with my dog on a long walk. This other girl that really likes me is going to Aruba today and her and I are kind of having a contest on who is going to be more tan when she gets back. I tan real easily but I don't care who wins lol,,,that's a contest I can't lose either way ;)
Yeah made me laugh as well, but the old adage...dont get high off your own supply comes to mind here.


Well-Known Member
Just remember if you rarely leave your grow, you yourself probably can't tell how much it smells, especially if you're smoking all the time :) It's good to leave for hours and come back having not smoked to get some kind of idea of the usual smell most people get :)

What you think you'll be yielding on those you just harvested? Looks like they will be pretty good yields if that's under a 430

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
That is mt girl...she doesnt care about seed as long as I dont drink like I used to or do drugs.
She will smoke with me sometimes, but like I have mentioned b4 she doesnt get high, so it has no pull on her, and she doesnt like coughing and a burning throat to get no effect.

Yeah made me laugh as well, but the old adage...dont get high off your own supply comes to mind here.
That's good bassman. I would think most chicks would prefer a toker over hard drinker. I had a hell of a time trying to quit drinking, took years. Weed is what enabled me to be able to. Even an accident that almost killed me couldn't quite get me to quit. Went airborne in my ford escape down a ravigne snapping off 12-14" wide trees halfway up like they were toothpicks and ending up unconsious and the escape upside down on the edge of a stream. Rig was crushed like a tin can. I remember waking up to flashlights shining in my windows and people say oh my god we thought you were dead

Just remember if you rarely leave your grow, you yourself probably can't tell how much it smells, especially if you're smoking all the time :) It's good to leave for hours and come back having not smoked to get some kind of idea of the usual smell most people get :)

What you think you'll be yielding on those you just harvested? Looks like they will be pretty good yields if that's under a 430
Your right, I'm sure that my house reeks even just from all of the smoke but I can't smell it very much. Too used to it.

Those plants did not come out of the closet bongwell, they were one of the runs in the other flower room with the 1k. That room always has 3 runs of six to eight plants in flower at any given time with a harvest every two weeks or so and an extra harvest every two months from the anne frank closet, about 5-6 oz normally. Those DBL GA and the DOG will yeild a little under an oz which is about typical for most of the plants


Well-Known Member
My wife practically freaks out if I have a couple of beers... weed she could care less other than she worries about potential health issues from smoking :)

Gotcha... you use amended soils or liquid nutes?


Well-Known Member
That's good bassman. I would think most chicks would prefer a toker over hard drinker. I had a hell of a time trying to quit drinking, took years. Weed is what enabled me to be able to. Even an accident that almost killed me couldn't quite get me to quit. Went airborne in my ford escape down a ravigne snapping off 12-14" wide trees halfway up like they were toothpicks and ending up unconsious and the escape upside down on the edge of a stream. Rig was crushed like a tin can. I remember waking up to flashlights shining in my windows and people say oh my god we thought you were dead

Your right, I'm sure that my house reeks even just from all of the smoke but I can't smell it very much. Too used to it.

Those plants did not come out of the closet bongwell, they were one of the runs in the other flower room with the 1k. That room always has 3 runs of six to eight plants in flower at any given time with a harvest every two weeks or so and an extra harvest every two months from the anne frank closet, about 5-6 oz normally. Those DBL GA and the DOG will yeild a little under an oz which is about typical for most of the plants
I too used weed to quit drinking that I otherwise couldnt do.

My best friend dieing also helped me realize the evils of alcohol.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
My wife practically freaks out if I have a couple of beers... weed she could care less other than she worries about potential health issues from smoking :)

Gotcha... you use amended soils or liquid nutes?
Liquid nutes man, the Cornnucopia line-up along with Nitrzyme and Earth Juice Catalyst. A lot of the soil gets recycled into outdoor flower beds.

I too used weed to quit drinking that I otherwise couldnt do.

My best friend dieing also helped me realize the evils of alcohol.
We're in the same boat bassman. My best friend and best man at my wedding also lived and died by fast cars. Coming home from a bachelors party, oak tree didn't get out of the way


Well-Known Member
Liquid nutes man, the Cornnucopia line-up along with Nitrzyme and Earth Juice Catalyst. A lot of the soil gets recycled into outdoor flower beds.

We're in the same boat bassman. My best friend and best man at my wedding also lived and died by fast cars. Coming home from a bachelors party, oak tree didn't get out of the way
Sorry to hear that bro.
I got lucky so many times.
I was always the go-to DD drunk driver, except for the day I stayed home, and my other friend was driving.
He walked away, but my best friend didnt.
Ruined the other dudes life

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yup that's a tough one man.

Well on to something less depressing : ), the pk x sad are starting to bulk up nicely. Two are in 3.5 gal containers (that's big for me, the rosepots are 1.75 gal) and are starting their 5th week and one is starting week 3 and six clones just went into dirt the other day. So they are certainly getting a chance in the cave lol.

The middle run in there are all in 3.5 gal containers. Also got a nice big pineapple Cindy and two big C4, really looking forward to that harvest!


Well-Known Member
I never gotta worry about being an alcoholic... my body does not like alcohol and while I appreciate a good alcohol buzz, I don't really crave it. Basically if all alcohol disappeared from the earth tomorrow, I could care less. That's what pisses me off so much about cannabis prohibition... all these fuckin' alcohol people who are like 'just drink alcohol' and don't give a shit because they got what they want... i don't want alcohol. I do like to have a few beers when I'm watching fight night... but that's about it ;)

Liquid nutes man, the Cornnucopia line-up along with Nitrzyme and Earth Juice Catalyst. A lot of the soil gets recycled into outdoor flower beds.

Any reason you don't do super soil/amended soils? I find I get much better yields and happier plants... dramatically better yields with super soil. I didn't really believe the whole super soil 'you only need water thing' -- but it's really true. The strongest nutes I use are 1-1-1 and that's only in veg :) Anything more burns.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks whodat!

Well it looks like the plants will haver to wait until tues to get harvested. Shoot that means I have to water them again. Heading down to one of my new girlfriends house this afternoon for a couple of days. She lives about an hour and a half away and has a place on a little lake. This is the horny therapist chick, my other one is in Aruba hehe.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks brother!

Not sure how much of it we will see unless she has a view of it from her bedroom window lol. All of you guys are saying ho hum ho hum big deal we get it every night hahaha. Ya'll know how long it's been since HC's been with a nympho lol? And she holds nothing back and gets off more on pleasing her man. The caveman has been flying high and bouncing off the walls this week :)

>>>>>>>>>hitting the elephant stomper and passing back a NHK hash and weed parfait>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Later mon ami


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother!

Not sure how much of it we will see unless she has a view of it from her bedroom window lol. All of you guys are saying ho hum ho hum big deal we get it every night hahaha. Ya'll know how long it's been since HC's been with a nympho lol? And she holds nothing back and gets off more on pleasing her man. The caveman has been flying high and bouncing off the walls this week :)

>>>>>>>>>hitting the elephant stomper and passing back a NHK hash and weed parfait>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Later mon ami
better pull out the blue pill, watch a few pornos and whack one off before you go ;). Just remember, your basing this on sex as of now as far as i can see. Sex is not a sturdy foundation. Its more like the carpet not necessary for the structure but you'd damn sure want it in there and would like to have the best kind, before you move in. thats only if your trying to build a house, if your renting well....:hump:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haha that's good T but yeah I'm renting man. And no blue pill for this dude, weed is a super aphrodisiac and why would I want to whack one out lol, that would just be one less for her. Seven is my record in one session but that was a few years ago hehe ;)

.....you know how marathon runners stock up on carbs the day before a race, I've been doing that with mangos and pineapples for the last day or so for this marathon haha