Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
Im sure i asked, but what's the blueberry you got....Dj Short's??? Been looking for the keeper Blues forever man! Got a bit to smoke just now, but looks like its going to need a good cure for the flavour to come out. I have a couple DP blueberry beans, just not tried them yet lol. But the blue/cheese im also smoking has great flavour and dont think it was even dried too great! But your's looks sweeeeet man!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Oiu friggen vay your right!! Thanks man good catch, I got them mixed up lol. The BB in my HM X BB is from DJ Short (a joint effort breeding project with him and Chimera). Joey Weed is the breeder of my Blueberry cut : !)

Its a beautiful day here today lots of blue sky. The long ass icicles are melting a lot today lol

Have a good one SL!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
whats going down in them ol green hill bro? am chiefing some dog this morning, and damn its got me twisted. gonna treat me n the lady to a day of pampering today. hope your having a good one fella!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
whats going down in them ol green hill bro? am chiefing some dog this morning, and damn its got me twisted. gonna treat me n the lady to a day of pampering today. hope your having a good one fella!

I'll bet she's looking forward to that! Women looove to be pampered. The Dog should make for a pleasant Saturday too! Going to be in stealth mode here later on, my son's coming over for the weekend.

Need to do a couple of upgrades to my op real quick, prolly by Monday...An air purifier for the flower room and a humidifier for my veg room, the rh is so low I'm sure that it's inhibiting growth

Later man have a good one today!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
great info.. +rep. Plants are looking great HC.
Appreciate it always bro!!

easy HC, no sign of my CJ's yet but its still early days lmao. hope ur good bro?
Doing pretty well las, thanks hope you as well. Hows the knee lol! Sorry I shouldn't laugh.

They should be breaking soil today or tomorrow eh mate! They are stretchy little buggers from the start lol. I kept adding soil to help support them and put them tight to the light, so now that initial seedling stretch has stopped and they are focusing on their leaves. They have a couple of nodes and 2 out of the 3 have a distinct crinkle to them which in my experience that tends to lead to a good pheno

The cave comes out of stealth mode later on tonight and tomorrow is day 49 for Calizhar and the C-4. They are crazy good looking with nicer smells now and a couple of phenos with insane colas. Might be at Don's DOG monster cola level!! Good sugar with most also! I need to hone my camera skills so that I can get some good pics for the 7 week shots tomorrow lol



Well-Known Member
"They have a couple of nodes and 2 out of the 3 have a distinct crinkle to them which in my experience that tends to lead to a good pheno"

Keep the tips coming! Where is my pencile? lol

"They are crazy good looking with nicer smells now and a couple of phenos with insane colas. Might be at Don's DOG monster cola level!! Good sugar with most also!"

Teaser, lets see them! Tomorrow, your fcker, you gonna make us all wait til tomorrow after that tease!!!! lol

Have a great day bro...

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey hey :)

got 4 that have surfaced, 3x strong goers and one thats lacking behind a bit, i'll re-asses in a few days and bin her if she dont pick up, cant be having a throwback for the comp ;) i did chuck another in as i had 3x kinda different type seeds (striped, broken stripe and solid greeny brown colour), no show on the greeny brown one yet though.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
hey hey :)

got 4 that have surfaced, 3x strong goers and one thats lacking behind a bit, i'll re-asses in a few days and bin her if she dont pick up, cant be having a throwback for the comp ;) i did chuck another in as i had 3x kinda different type seeds (striped, broken stripe and solid greeny brown colour), no show on the greeny brown one yet though.
Hey hey las! Yes I saw one of them in your pics hanging out with the big girls. It's on!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Today is day 49 for the new girls...going to try and post some decent pics later. Anyone have any tips on getting good shots, please feel free!! I really need to do something cause the plants are awesome but I'm not happy with the quality of my photos lately. What kind of lighting I guess would be my main question?

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Today is day 49 for the new girls...going to try and post some decent pics later. Anyone have any tips on getting good shots, please feel free!! I really need to do something cause the plants are awesome but I'm not happy with the quality of my photos lately. What kind of lighting I guess would be my main question?
I keep the camera 1 1/2 to 2 feet from the object and take a clear pic and then crop. Pics are with and without flash usually under the 6500k mh


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member

OK BOYS, keep your pants ON!!!!!!!! Check out this DRAWING

In the left Pot we have that Beautiful Green Snake Lovin Lady "Agent"

As Centerfold, that delicious green lady with the Big Buds, "KIKI"

In the right pot is our favorite dancing doll, the green Lady with the sweetest smelling Buds, "Stoner Barbie"

This drawing was a bitch to complete. It almost got tossed but I kept workin and somehow managed to work it out. I hope you enjoy looking at it, you might want to do a couple bong hits before viewing..LOL...... bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:peace::bigjoint:
Have an awesome Day!!!!!!! Amber

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