Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Going to be chop night at the cave this evening. Five BB left to come down...Qleaner gets an extra week, 8.5 till done 9 maybe. Ill take some shots of the BB before they come down they look funky as shit

So far this harvest I have taken down 2 headstash plants 3 bagseed and 2 BB. Thinking the Qleaner are going to be adding to the weight nicely...shooting for a lb this harvest and the next batch in the budroom are coming up on 4 wks shooting for the same amount from that harvest.

Well I have to get motivated got a lot of shit to do tonight...work all day at one job and then trim most of the night. Thats ok I wouldnt trade it. Been a lot of busy guerrilla growers around here...weather was so crappy pretty much everyone had to harvest early and fast

mr west

Well-Known Member
so over the next few weeks the price of weeds gonna come down cuz theres so much of it about?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Not mine lol but your prolly right lots of outdoor in the fall around here...been seeing the black chopper around lately fookers.


Well-Known Member
so whats your trim and dry method highlander do you trim the whole plant then dry, or do what i do and remove fan leaves only and trim the rest when dry?? i have done it both ways but its just way to much work sometimes trimming all at once..

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey man. Thinking it would be avantageous to dry the plant as slow as possible but thats not the way that I do it,,,,I manicure it sits on screens in a closet takes roughly 4 days till jar. Thats a little quick to dry it, but most of the time it just goes to quick. My own stuff I dry a little slower

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
On my last girl, had 5 to do tonight looks like they will average 3/4 of an oz each. Pushed the nutes just a bit on this run to see what they could take,,,,now that I know I am backing off a tad should improve the yield. The run before I started with a light dose of these new nutes and got more like a z per plant

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks westy and don. Another rain day over here,,,,gives me an excuse to stay home and fuss with the garden lol

Status of Chimeras' gear......first ordered from Nirvana, did not have the mental floss they advertised, second, ordered from sensible seeds...did not have any of Chimeras gear that I wanted that they advertised, customer service seemed good at first with a very prompt reply from my email, was told they could get some by the end of the week and ship it right out but that was over a month ago and sent paul an email last week but so far no response. Just sent him another one so we will see if he responds or not

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ha ha, One guess as to what Im doing right now,,,,besides taking a bowl break lol. Yeah Im potting them now :) . The eleven that I toasted the other day Ill prolly take only 4 of those they ended up looking pretty sad and I wasn't going to wait weeks for them to recover fully