Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
I try to take this approach. And also, not gloating when they're wrong helps, too. I learned the hard way.

I think all of us could benefit from focusing on what's really important in our reationships and let the little shit slide, and besides maybe we should cut the chicks a little slack, it must be hard for them when we are always right hehehe


Well-Known Member
did you get that black rose started yet HC??? i love the blues so much, but im stoked to see the purples. Dont get me wrong your plants are rainbow colored. im saving my compliment this time cause im starting to see how this is gonna be. keeps it up.


Well-Known Member
did you get that black rose started yet HC??? i love the blues so much, but im stoked to see the purples. Dont get me wrong your plants are rainbow colored. im saving my compliment this time cause im starting to see how this is gonna be. keeps it up.
YES YES - bring on that black rose!!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Some pics of the Casey in veg as ref....

First clone I got.

Growing up

And growing...

Hope that helps.

no worries las. I think Westy's looks very similar. I don't think it was topped at that stage so has a slightly different look, but the leaves are spot on, the growth was huge, and the moorish description very similar.....
its a clone of an s1 casey jones seed 1st gen bastad
How ya doing D, how ya doing westy my friend...

I try to take this approach. And also, not gloating when they're wrong helps, too. I learned the hard way.
I would never think of gloating, can't say that for my chick though lol

I also have a cut of the original mother, the fairy was feeling international that day. Aint it fucking marvalous what a small pair of wings can do these days, what with technology and all that lol.
i don't have to be right, I just am. and i am an equal oportunist biotch. hahahaa
Oh my cute baby!! You know I was being facetious, right?!

did you get that black rose started yet HC??? i love the blues so much, but im stoked to see the purples. Dont get me wrong your plants are rainbow colored. im saving my compliment this time cause im starting to see how this is gonna be. keeps it up.
YES YES - bring on that black rose!!!
Well.....ok! They are just finishing up their seedling stage along with the livers x cherry cheese and the black sour bubble!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Very nice HC. Lots of work ahead with the all the chopping but its fun work...
Hey SL, how's it going brother. Yeah I left all of the buds on the stems this time around though only for a few days. If it all didn't have to go as soon as it does, I would slow dry it like that the entire way through. Called living hand to mouth I guess lol

Talk to ya man

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Westy!

Trying to work the aches and pains out of this old, whoops, out of my bones with a couple of bowls lol who said old. Fuck me I feel it though,,,sore as shit the last few days, more so than usual. Topping the Caseys today the have like four or five nodes and got their first dose of nutes a few days ago and are doing friggen great! I'll post a pic later

How you doing bru : !?)

edit... Nope not stir crazy at all!! Loving it :)

Dog had to do his business in the driveway again, I was watching him and he tried to get off the driveway but it was about over his head and he barely made it back to the drive lol. I'll have to start taking him for a walk or something in mornings I know he hates having to poop in the driveway haha

mr west

Well-Known Member
Im good fanx mate, did a bit of early spluffing on the deep psychos and engineers dream today. Poor doggy, cant ya stick him in the back of ur truck and drive to a clear spot lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Westy!

Trying to work the aches and pains out of this old, whoops, out of my bones with a couple of bowls lol who said old. Fuck me I feel it though,,,sore as shit the last few days, more so than usual. Topping the Caseys today the have like four or five nodes and got their first dose of nutes a few days ago and are doing friggen great! I'll post a pic later

How you doing bru : !?)

edit... Nope not stir crazy at all!! Loving it :)

Dog had to do his business in the driveway again, I was watching him and he tried to get off the driveway but it was about over his head and he barely made it back to the drive lol. I'll have to start taking him for a walk or something in mornings I know he hates having to poop in the driveway haha
yes, i know that you were being facitious. lol just goofing around.

we are getting pounded with snow today too. this is the most snow that we have had in 50 years in one winter. crazy

malibu and skipper.jpg

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
yes, i know that you were being facitious. lol just goofing around.

we are getting pounded with snow today too. this is the most snow that we have had in 50 years in one winter. crazy

View attachment 1431789
Yeah I was watching that on the news this morning and thought about you down there! And I thought I told you that we had enough snow!! It's all coming from your way,,,,thank you very much but we have enough now lol. It's the most that we have had in recent memory too and we are used to getting pounded!!! Grab your bong and ride it out baby! Or you can come help me trim hehe


Well-Known Member
would so much rather help u trim if i could get by that way. been locked up in this $%^**^% house for almost 2 weeks!!! can you say cabin fever? my kids are so sick of eachother that i am afraid that they are going to kill eachother. lol time to smoke some SSH x bastard bag seed. hahahhaaa


Well-Known Member
Not to gloat but the winter here on Colorado has been pretty mild. We just got our 5th or 6th snow of the winter, only a couple of inches. Had a nice 65 degree day in January too! Are you guys worrid about flooding when all that melts off?

The girls look great HC. I may need to get my hands on some of that gear! Really lookinh forward to the Black Rose

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
How ya doing Hemlock, I'm pretty well...up and down, mostly up lol

Wow Colorado, I haven't even thought of that,,,,,,,,,Yeah shit we get flooding in the spring so I imagine it will be worse this year, but nothing compared to what you see on the news from around the world. Minor flooding in the spring is an every year occurance, but there are three good size rivers dumping into the lake here so it's the ice jams that cause the damage and yeah when that happens watch out and head for higher ground lol

Good to hear from ya bro, hope things are well for you and your gal.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
would so much rather help u trim if i could get by that way. been locked up in this $%^**^% house for almost 2 weeks!!! can you say cabin fever? my kids are so sick of eachother that i am afraid that they are going to kill eachother. lol time to smoke some SSH x bastard bag seed. hahahhaaa
Yeah I'm in my glory haha got this big old house to myself, just my dog and two cats lol. I work outside 3 seasons out of the year in a very physically demanding trade so am absolutely loving this R + R.....I'm perfectly content just being home these days!

Talk to ya Barbie and don't over do it with the shoveling ; !)


Well-Known Member
Hey HC is C-4 a Chimera strain your growing. Tryin to help a dude out.
nevermind Pal went to you first page and got it
have a good night