Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Hc i'm almost positive it is caliband. I'm smoking it now, but i had this pheno before. the smell and look are way too familiar. I remember how bmf looked n smelled too. but as soon i smelled it and noticed the pink i knew it. or feel i did.

And i prefer kief too, because i can easily put it in my blunt, hash(isi hash) is too sticky n hard to do it effortlessly.
Hc i'm almost positive it is caliband. I'm smoking it now, but i had this pheno before. the smell and look are way too familiar. I remember how bmf looked n smelled too. but as soon i smelled it and noticed the pink i knew it. or feel i did.

And i prefer kief too, because i can easily put it in my blunt, hash(isi hash) is too sticky n hard to do it effortlessly.

Yeah the Calizar and the Caliband had that strong citrus stink to it. Very recogonzible hahah fuk it
the next is yours, lol idk why the hell i aint do it today too.slipped my mind

Always fire from you mang.

I made f1s of the sb x bd both phenos if you want to give some back to pops and other peeps. And the new blue bubbamasters too. Don't think the PK x SAD will make it to bean form. I'm sure it has potential but the smoke was rather unimpressive. At least taste wise, stone was ok. I just don't care for weed that has no taste and that stuff was almost harsh even though it had a good flush and burned to a nice light grey ash.

Just too much dank everywhere to keep something that doesn't jump out.
the next is yours, lol idk why the hell i aint do it today too.slipped my mind

Toking on some of your nhk in kief form, nice lazy afternoon good day for some kush. Got a turkey in the oven that my mother gave me a couple of days ago makes the house smell real good. After this going to be a lean week next week lol. Noodle week haha ;) Turkey will last awhile though just don't know if I can stand all the tryptophan though lol

....hey cool http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrient&dbid=103
MMMMmmmmm turkey!!

Just a bit bummed... so far my double grape apollos have not sprouted taps after almost 2 days... the chocolate chunkey monkeys did in <1 under the same conditions. :( Came with the same batch of Caliband and BMF that just didn't sprout. I actually found two one tiny sprout of each of those two last night under the soil I'm trying to save that may survive... but most didn't sprout I found one last night with the seed still completely uncracked... dunno if it's a bad batch or something happened to them between there and here. :( I still have more seeds of both the caliband and BMF to try to sprout later hopefully i'll have better luck but those were all the double GAs I had.... and the only apollo cross I had, and you know i'm an apollo fan :) I don't think I have mentioned here, but my old Overgrow user name (not that anyone would probably remember even if you were on OG) was Apollo11Genius :) I need to find some apollo 11s to sprout sometime too.

A bit psyched... finally managed to arrange to get some bud today at a price that's reasonable... gonna go pick up in a couple hours.. yay me! Just hope it's good

My new babies are finally taking off too first leaves today 2x the size of petioles finally and I can see the leafbuds for the first multifingered leaves sprouting. Still have a few runties lagging behind, but those always catch up eventually.
Those beans are under strict orders not to sprout for bongwell because he didn't pay "actual" money for them. Kidding bro got to let the asshole flag fly sometimes.

lol i'm sure it's some kinda conspiracy by the gov't.... probably zapped the seeds with xrays in the mail or something ;) obammmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Starting to groom some SB x BDs both phenos to start adding to the mix.

The NHKs and the GAs have had a nice run this winter but their numbers are starting to wind down. There are still a few harvest of both left and I'll keep some going for headstash for sure but they both turned out to be medium yeilders and you know me haha.......

The quest begins for a beefy mama...


Grape Apollo x Blue Dream doms are starting to poke their heads up above ground. Third day in soil and it will be a few more days before they all break ground. With being in a deep freeze up here I couldn't find an ideal place to germ them, temps were all over the place and for the most part averaged in the low 60s where the beans were, and consequently none of them cracked open during the germimation process (well 2 did but just barely) but that doesn't matter it just takes a few days longer for them to wake up.

Right before being planted...


I got a cross i had to call "donkey dick" if you wanna try that.

Thanks man. I think I'm going to work my skunk in it at some point if I get a keeper. Got 5 Pure Skunk seedlings that will be jumping into veg stage pretty quick. I need to research skunks more, all I know is they are good to breed with lol
Morning cave dwellers, what's good my brothers!
I been busy and not feeling real good, excuse me for mostly lurking.
How about sharing up some nice sticky pineapple cindy.....