Highly Decorated Officer Arrested for Filming Himself Raping Over a Dozen Animals

Considering how many cops are disgusting animals, this behaviour can't be entirely surprising. What surprises me more is how adamant leftists are about ensuring that only cops be allowed firearms. I guess their rape fantasies involve being held at gunpoint while wearing a fur suit. Degeneracy knows no bounds. :neutral:
Is that what happens in countries all over the world who have banned guns or are you just displaying your insecurities
I never recall the left only wanting cops to have gun. Is that what you gather from argument on gun control or do you feel it necessary to argue from a point of lies ? If the former, it reveals your stupidity. If the latter. it reveals your argument must be weak sauce...again pulling back the curtain on your level of intelligence.
Can you help me out on a study that I'm doing. Seriously just how small is your penis ? Is it under 6 inches ?

i can tell by how many flags and how high his F150 is..extra small if he has 'ball sack' hanging from his trailer hitch..but he's a brit i don't know if the same rules apply in the U.K.

they don't have the confederate thingy over there..