Hilary D.C. Snipa!!


Well-Known Member
Hilary was dodgin the D.C. Snipa.........How do you Hilary peoples like getting lied to? About snipins?
What's a snipa? Haven't heard the term before. Oh, I DO know an Italian Rabbi who, during a certain ritual, says: "A little snipa here, and a little snipa there ..." :mrgreen:

Omg... when I saw that on the news yesterday I about pissed myself. That was too funny. Maybe it was just the way fox was playin it out, but it sure was hilarious.
somebody trying to snipe hilary? sweet, stupid bitch.... she got the whole Cencorship bullshit started.
cant be half as bad as bush
She is just as bad... the way she is so cocky about it. She effed up bad and all she says as she laughs that she "misspoke" She was trying to make her dumb ass look like she was special cuz she was in danger. Im over her and I will be a sad woman if she is elected.
she does have some mean coughing fits theres a local radio station that plays a rap of her giving speaches and her voice seem to give out alot she sounds like some lady named marge who works for the dmv.
i can't watch the vid, I'm at work and can't get sound and they suck here... what on the vid?
i can't watch the vid, I'm at work and can't get sound and they suck here... what on the vid?
Basically she is talking about a trip to bosnia she went on in the 90's with the comedian sinbad and her daughter. She is talking about how there was gunfire upon arrival and making it sound like a dangerous trip... basically she got her bullshit card pulled cuz cbs got footage of her landing and it was nothing like she described. Me explaining it does no justice, youll have to watch it when ya get home.