Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Polls, except CNN, show donald as the winner.

Hillary attacked first with snide remarks. Then he pushed back. Quick play the victim card!!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I clicked your link,...It says according to a variety of metrics,...then it says ,...Start with CNN, but never mentions anyone else, so it should read on the crooked page, we got CNN and that`s it, no variety.

You read that shit right ?
Are you speaking with shit clogging your throat? Your post, It stinks and is incoherent.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
shut up, mrs. piggy.

you are fat, and thus not worthy of respect at all. according to the guy you want to vote for.

go bleed out of your where ever.
Adoption would take up some of that free time and make you a happier person.

Poor sad, angry buck. Lashing out at all who don't coddle him.
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