Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member

anyone seriously considering casting their vote for Hillary needs to double check what they've been smoking.
Donald Told No Less Than 21 Fact Checked Proven Lies During His Acceptance Speech
Thanks to the early leaking of Trump’s speech transcript, it was easy for fact checkers to pre-debunk Donald Trump’s acceptance speech lies.

The full list of fact checked Trump lies can be found here. Below are few of Trump’s biggest lies in Cleveland:



Well-Known Member
A fetus is a human, and so is an embryo. You can ask any doctor and they'll give you the same answer. A fetus/embryo has a complete functioning human genome, it is a human. I'll take definitions from medical professionals over casual daters. I make 80k a year growing, I've got a beautiful daughter and a redheaded wife that I don't bang out every night watching TV. Life is a gift, I used to be pro choice until we decided to have her. You don't understand how human an unborn baby is until you've experienced one.

No woman can legally decide to kill another person, nor can a man. I'm not saying men should force women to have babies, people that don't want kids should not be having casual sex. Just because I have the capacity to get in a car hammered doesn't mean I should be legally allowed to endanger the lives of others. Just because abortions exist doesn't mean they should be performed without medical necessity or extenuating circumstances.
Kiss that 80k goodbye if Trump gets elected.....Christie will have none of it..


Well-Known Member
Kiss that 80k goodbye if Trump gets elected.....Christie will have none of it..
Yeah, he'll eat it...

Let Trump staff the attorney general's office and federal judges and watch them go. You'll be dreaming about good old relaxed Obama in 6 months.

Get government off the people's back my ass. Trump would be the biggest spender of all time...good thing we're here to stop him ;-).

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
oh, you mean the same robert byrd who denounced the klan and had a 100% rating with the NAACP?

yeah, what a real stain on hillary's legacy that is, to be mentored by someone with a 100% rating from the NAACP.

grasp at some more straws, scatterbrained sock puppet.

if you're not too busy sucking a neo-nazi cock, care to tell us why the KKK is supporting trump instead of hillary as we speak?

if you can keep that cock out of your mouth for long enough, then maybe you can tell us why trump was asked point blank to denounce the KKK and failed to do so.

thanks again, angel farts.
What does that say about the NAACP for giving a grand cyclops a 100% rating when the man was anti voting and civil rights? The man was a racist.

Just because someone "says" sorry does not actually mean they are sorry.

Just like hillary. Appear to care about minorities once they have a voice. Get into office and screw them over. Keep them in the minority.
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Well-Known Member
The stats are true. Check the CDC. Less than 1% are abortions for rape/incest.
Give it a few years with the immigrants coming in and I am sure the statistic will skyrocket so they can reinforce their pro-abortion argument.

More victims, more abortions... Win Win!!
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